Spirit Force

A few days later.

Arcus awakens from his sleep. He did not know how many days to sleep. He immediately checked his body because he knew the pain he experienced would have a connection with his body. He warms up to see if there is a problem with his skin or muscles. He feels his skin and muscles are stronger than ever. His skin becomes smoother and he injured himself with a knife but only create scratches. His muscles changed, he felt he could lift a load of more than 100 kg

He also checked the pulse in his hand. he knew that Red Blood Apple could wash his blood. Once checked, it turns out the pulse becomes stronger and he can also feel the sound of his heartbeat. He also saw that his body was so filthy stuffed with something black and sticky.

"What is this? It smells very bad. Looks like I have to take a bath. "

'Drip' 'drip'

"I seem to hear the sound of water in there. I think I will find water for bathing. "

Arcus walks deeper into the cave. He followed the sound of the water he heard. He found a pond filled with clear water and he immediately took a bath because he can not stand the smell of his body.

"Ahh, this is very refreshing. But there is not usual, a pool in this cave and the water is so clear and cool. "

He was curious about this cave and he went deeper. He walked carefully and looked around when there were traps or strange animals like the ape.

"Woaaahhh" Arcus shouted because he saw a white figure leaning against the cave wall. He approached it to see more clearly. Apparently he found that it was a human skeleton.

'How long has this been here, this man's corpse has become a bone. Let me check. '

He examined the skeleton and suddenly it moved. It was like looking at Arcus.

'Young man.'

"What's this sound in my head. And why does this skeleton move to see me? "Arcus dared to look at the skull.

'Just calm young man, do not be afraid. I will not hurt you. Maybe it's a fate that we are meet in this place. I've been dead quite long here.' The skeleton sends his voice to Arcus by voice transmission.

"Who are you and what do you want? I do not have anything. "Arcus answered with a little fear.

The skeleton looked at the body of Arcus carefully. 'I can feel the spirit force in your body. But your body is strong enough for your age as well. Are you a spirit refiner and martial artist? "

"Spirit force? What is that? I'm just a martial artist. "

'You're a martial artist. Looks like you do not know about spirit yet. It turns out that all is still the same, spirit refiner is still rare than martial artist.' Skeleton sighed.

"Senior, I want to know what is spirit force and spirit refiner. Please enlightening me."

'Maybe this is fate, all right I will tell you. Spirit force is an energy possessed by man if he has a body that have affinity with nature. Spirit force is slightly different from inner force. If martial artist is to convert the natural energy into inner force in which will nourish the body. Spirit refiner will absorbs the natural energy and stores it in the body in the form of spirit force. Spirit force also has different elements such as water, fire, wind, etc. Depending on the affinity of spirit elements in the human body. Are you understand?'

"Ohh, So can I be a spirit refiner?"

'You can. But only a few people can be spirit refiner because not all bodies have an affinity with spirit. This is also because natural spirit is very strong and can hurt the body that does not have an affinity. But spirit refiner is also getting stronger because it can use spirit force to fight and spirit refiner faster to become stronger than martial artist. '

"How come?"

'You still do not understand? Spirit refiner only absorbs the natural energy to become a spirit force and use it. While the martial artist must conver the natural energy to become a inner force.'

"Is it martial artist weaker than spiritual refiner?"

'No, because the body of spirit refiner is very weak while martial artist's body is so strong that it can be an advantage for martial artist. Martial artist needs more effort than a spirit of refiner.'

'Young man, this is fate that we are brought together. Because I am a spirit refiner and martial artist as well. I used to be called Silent Hunter. Everyone is afraid of me because my arrow is always hit the target and there is no sound when shooting. But I offend someone who can not be offended. Sigh'

'I want to ask you for help, young man.'

"What can I do for seniors?"

'You can see there is a small bag beside me. It was a space bag. Inside the bag there is another dimension of about 20 meters cubic. Please give my diary and my bow to the Leyva family in Redgold City. In return you can take all the stuff in the bag besides the two items.'

Arcus sees a bag with a strange symbol like a star and open it. Apparently there is a very large contents he can see many items such as many strange stone, bookshelves, and a bow. The bow is black, as it is made of a mixture of several metals and has a heavy aura.

'Young man, my time is not long. Please deliver the diary and the bow but do not even open my diary and try to use that bow. You will not be able and it will not good for you. You just give them to head of the Leyva family. '

'You can learn the method to become a spirit refiner on my book collection and a lot of my skills I have for entire life, and I see you too use a bow, hahahaha. This is true fate. '

"Thank you senior for your teachings, I will carry out the task you give." Arcus give a bow to skeleton.

'Well this seems to be the end of our meeting, young man. My last wish is you buried my corpse in this cave. This is the end of I, Arthur Leyva. Goodbye young man.' The voice was no longer heard in head of Arcus. The skeleton returns to its original position.

"Thank you seniors, goodbye." Arcus give a bow again. He dug the ground in the cave and buried the skeleton and searched for a stone to signify as a gravestone.

He took the space bag and put it into his bag. He practiced breathing techniques again to train his body. He wants to be stronger like the senior.

The next day he prepared to get out of the cave. He came out of the cave and looked around if there were still an ape. After seeing the situation, the ape was gone. It is time for Arcus to return to his hut and see more of the contents of the space bag in the hut.

"It's time to go home."