"Alright," I groaned before dimming the mana present in the room.
"Out of all the spells, you used heal?" Luke grabbed onto my other hand to prevent me from using more mana.
"Oh please, I was in control," I defended myself.
Even though everyone looked worried for me, I was glad I fixed the immediate problem in front of me. It was the perfect time to go for a good night sleep before Luke decided to lecture me again.
"Well, I'll be going to sleep now," I abruptly waved my classmates farewell to quickly escape.
"Wait," Charles yelled to stop me.
"What?" I groaned as I turned behind me.
"Make sure you keep this incident to ourselves," Charles warned me.
What did he even mean by that? Of course I wasn't going to leak this incident to anyone else! Who knew who would get in trouble for this mess? It was probably going to be me, as a repeat offender that visited the dean's office too often.
That day, I had failed to notice Ellen's expression where she appeared different from the rest of us. Instead of displaying her normal smile, relieved from solving the incident, she stayed near the back, silent after playing her usual caring role. But I waved the thought away since she smiled goodbye before I escaped from the scene.
Today, we were inside the usual cafe and I finally got my courage to ask her what was wrong. Since Ellen always helped me cheer up, this time I would do the same.
"What's wrong?" I asked Ellen.
Ellen stayed silent while Shelly and I mostly carried the conversation. Only three of us were in the empty cafe since Ellen wanted to meet privately. I guessed it meant Ellen didn't trust Delia and Sienna as much as I did.
Her face was downcast while she mindlessly nodded to agree to everything we said. It was unlike her to not talk a single word to console us like usual. She was the motherly one in the group since she was used to taking care of us.
"My family," she sadly whispered.
"We lost some territory after taking too much risk."
"It's fine, you can always recover it," I rubbed her back.
"I heard about it," Shelly seemed to pity Ellen.
"If only it was that easy," Ellen's words started to get softer.
"You can always escape to the third district with me later on," I tried to cheer her up.
Ellen wordlessly got up from her chair as she smiled to thank me before walking towards her room. Was it a big deal to lose some land? From what I knew, her family was powerful enough to be a part of the top ten families in the district.
"Her family lost the land to Charles' family," Shelly explained to me.
"But they can always recover it, right?" I blurted out my thoughts.
There was tons of land if you combined all the districts. From studying the map, the size of this fantasy world was six times bigger than earth. It made sense since each district represented a different period on the timeline.
Shelly shook her head, "they're now not part of the top ten families anymore. It's extremely hard to recover land when it's one of the most competitive resources."
"But she's engaged to Allan right? Does it matter when she'll be part of Allan's family later on?" I wondered since Luke always referred to me as a future lady of the Roselia family.
"But now Allan's family has more power over Ellen's when they do join forces or have their own agendas." Shelly explained the problem.
Why did everything in the first district have to be so complicated? I was still wrapping my head around the fraction part before passing it onto Luke. Now I was just discovering the deeper parts of the partner system.
"I hope Ellen gets better soon," I recalled her sad face.
I hugged my pillow after returning from the café. I was in deep thoughts, thinking about how to help Ellen get back to normal. I didn't notice Luke coming back from his usual practice with Alex while staring at the blank wall.
"Did you hear what happened to Ellen?" I looked at him.
"Didn't her family fall out of the rankings?" Luke immediately responded like it was no big thing.
I guessed news spread fast in the first district. Everyone knew except for me, again. I wasn't surprised after experiencing Ben's fraction trying to cover for me from one of their meetings. The only reason I was out of the link was because I abandoned all fraction meetings in general.
"Will they recover soon?" I asked Luke since he knew all the answers.
"It will be hard to recover land when it's one of the most competitive resources," Luke repeated the same things as Shelly.
I knew Ellen cared immensely about her family since she always bragged about Miele, her younger sister. And out of all the families to lose it to, she had to lose it to Charles. I could understand her misery since it was Charles, who mocked me at every chance he got.
"But rankings change all the time anyways, outside of the top five," Luke prepared to get ready for our intense study sessions.
Was that really the case? I assumed they always stayed the same?