Preparation for Social Week (1)

I stretched my arms on the sofa as this year, social week took place during winter. I took a glance at Luke trying to organize our schedule since we were a part of three fractions this time. I frowned as the schedule was much more packed than last year. The room for breaks were quickly getting filled up as Luke took a glance at all the remaining events left to put in. Few minutes ago, Claire and Yulian had left the room.

The sounds of knocking made Luke check who was in front of our door in the early morning while I covered myself with a blanket. Weekends were the only days I could sleep in. I groaned from the loud sound, hoping Luke wouldn't open the door. Ever since we switched into this luxurious dorm, we had separated bedrooms linked together by a single door. We also had a large living room once we came out of our bedroom to receive guests.

Although this didn't stop Luke from coming into my room to wake me up for school, it was better than before since it gave a sense of privacy. Hearing the footsteps heading towards my room,

I covered my ears with my hands. With one swipe from my finger, my marble activated to have the screen popping up, showing it was 6AM. He was totally coming to my room to wake me up on a precious Saturday.

"Who's in the living room?" I could hear the guests settling down.

"Claire and Yulian," Luke pulled my arms up to get me out of my bed.

"Did you really have to let them in?" I yawned.

"Rika," Luke warned me.

"Ok, I get it!" I waved my hand away.

I quickly grabbed a hanger with a coordinated outfit and went into the washroom to change and get ready to meet Claire and Yulian. I sighed as it was partly my fault for joining a random fraction to save the school barrier. By the time I walked into the living room, Luke was already in a deep discussion with both of them.

"So this event on Monday and another one for every other day?" Luke asked them.

"I think this should be good enough," Yulian showed him the schedule.

"What's going on?" I slid into the sofa.

"We came to tell you which events to attend as part of our fraction," Claire explained.

"I thought you were going to be hosting the Impalia mansion for the entire week?" I got the gist from Luke earlier this week.

Normally, people in bigger fractions took turns when being the host for social week. For example, the previous time I attended, Ben only hosted his mansion for three days and someone else hosted their mansion to represent their fraction to replace him. This way nobody would have to handle the pressure alone. That's why bigger and more powerful fractions had multiple people in their fractions hosting events at the same time.

Unfortunately, the Impalia fraction only had us and them. Since only high school students were eligible to host their mansions during social week, Claire and Yulian would have to be the hosts for the entire week alone. These were one of the few times I was glad I was still in middle school. I knew how much effort went into planning this event since I attended the neutral fraction's meeting.

"We're only hosting the mansion for every other day. People already know that the Impalia fraction doesn't host often during social week," Claire shrugged.

"We also have to attend other events as part of our other fraction," Yulian sighed.

"You're also inside another fraction too?" I almost stood up from the sofa.

"Everyone inside the Impalia fraction is also inside another fraction. And the Magnolia family is part of your rival fraction," Yulian explained.

So Claire and Yulian was also inside Charles' fraction! It made sense since no one outside the Impalia fraction knew how they chose their successor or if they were a candidate for the position itself. Even if politics wasn't my thing, I knew from Luke repeating some of the facts to prepare me for social week.

Since people in the same fraction attended each other's events to create a balance in power, we would have to attend every single event hosted by Yulian and Claire. I was glad that the Impalia fraction had enough power to not host an event every single day. I took a peek at the schedule to see they only started their event in the early evening.

"We're doing every other day this time since we won't be hosting next year," Claire sighed from the work.

"How often do you usually host these events?" I wondered.

"We did it two times a week last year. On a Monday and Friday," Claire seemed envious of those days.

Both Claire and Yulian got up from their chairs as they finished telling us which events to attend. They appeared weary and tired as their footsteps were heavy while walking towards the door. I hoped this wouldn't be me in the future. Only a few seconds after they left, a call came in from Luke's marble.

When the screen glided into the air, Lucius' equally tired face faced us in his room with Belle.

"Father and mother wanted us to host the mansion on these days while Belle's parents wanted us to represent their families on these days," he started off his ominous words.