Preparation for Social Week (2)

The screen was replaced with a tight schedule where Jules and Yulee hosted from Monday to Wednesday while Lucius and Belle hosted from Thursday to Sunday. My eyes widened as their events were for the entire day instead of part of the day being sectioned off like the Impalia fraction. I hoped they didn't expect us to be there with them for that long.

For two days, Lucius and Belle hosted at the Roselia mansion and the others inside the Suilett family mansion. Likewise, the families of both Jules and Yulee wanted their families to be represented as well. The pressure looming on their shoulders could be shown in their complexions as they were as pale as when we stayed up to fend off the monsters.

"You just have to come in the afternoons every other day," Belle came into the screen.

"Thank you," I clasped my hands together.

"Knowing you, we knew you couldn't attend every day," Lucius seemed a bit envious.

At these times, I was thankful that Luke's family didn't have any expectations for me yet. Even when attending social week last year, the schedule was only heavy in the beginning and the end of the week. The call quickly ended as they were still busy preparing for the event.

However, Luke's marble vibrated a few seconds later like before. Why was everyone coming to tell us about these events today? This time, Ben's face popped up on the screen with Alice's messy appearance with an overload of documents placed on the small table. Alice appeared like she was dying as her neat hair was fluffed up while there was a huge mug full of coffee to help her.

I knew that Alice mostly took the lead in the neutral fraction, but not to this extent. Being the leader of a fraction appeared extremely stressful. Ben also had a strained smile as he pulled out a similar schedule as Lucius.

"Can you come to these events every other day in the mornings?"

"I thought more powerful fractions would have more people hosting events," I found it strange that they were requesting a bit too little from us.

"Can you handle more events?" Ben stared at me.

I brightly smiled as it seemed like every fraction only expected the bare minimum from us. Although I didn't mean to fall down the stairs last time in his mansion, it was extremely helpful that they didn't want us to attend as well. I held in my smile from becoming a big grin, "it's perfect. Thanks Ben."

When the call ended, Luke placed all the events perfectly aligned in one day. This meant we could rest every other day!

"I can't wait to catch up on my sleep on the other days," I happily skipped towards my room.

"We're going to be using that time to choose our outfits," Luke stopped me from turning the doorknob.

"Didn't we already choose an outfit for each day?" I wondered.

It was the reason why I was so tired today. For the past few days, Luke and I carefully chose our outfits for social week after our intense study sessions. Everything had to be considered from having enough space to store some weapons in case of an attack like the charity ball to the fabric which had various spells embellished inside. Who knew if the extermination was properly done after the last monster attack?

"We need to change into new ones for every different fraction to match the theme," Luke explained.

Oh. This was just like the party the neutral party did to prepare for the actual social week. I never considered this as Luke picked all of my outfits last time. But at the same time, we didn't get all these calls last time as his parents made the schedule for us.

"Why didn't your parents make the schedule for us this time?" I tilted my head.

"It's because it was our first time. It was a guideline to use for the future," Luke walked towards his own set of documents.

The mounting documents reached my height on the table as Luke helped both the neutral and his own fraction prepare for social week. It almost matched the number of documents with Alice who looked like she hasn't slept in weeks. I guiltily looked away, thankful I didn't have to do this work with him.

Both Claire and Yulian didn't ask for any help for their events, knowing how bad my grades were. They took one glance at Luke's emotionless face to know he was already piled with work. However, I sighed as I knew this was a temporary solution. When Lucius, Belle, Claire and Yulian graduated in the summer, Luke and I would have to fill in the gap.

I was definitely never going to join another fraction again. No matter what anyone said, they were easy to join but impossible to leave like a cult. I decided to leave the dorm room, wide awake from all those calls. I walked in the hallway, deciding to go to the café earlier than planned.

"Ouch," I rubbed my shoulders when I bumped into someone while viewing the flowers around me.

I frowned as I was more sensitive to pain these days after being splashed with medicine that brought an agony of pain two weeks ago.

"Ethan?" I looked up to find a high school student that wasn't supposed to be in the middle school section.

"Why are you here?" I narrowed my eyes.