Girl in Love (9)

"Move out of the way Liam," Ella warned him.

"I don't want you to do anything you'll regret Ella," Liam grunted.

"Zane loves me. He would want this for us too," her emotions took over her.

Ella started to recall how she fell in love with Zane. It was the first time she opened her eyes in her cradle, she wondered what that warm feeling was touching her tiny hand. The smell of milk came from the small boy who looked at her as she was a fascinating being.

His eyes widened when he noticed her turning towards him. His high-pitched voice never stopped ringing as he watched her adoringly. She didn't understand what he was saying, all she saw was his bright eyes. This was their first meeting.

Why was he smiling? What was making him so happy? Ella didn't understand as she stared at him in her mother's arms. In the large mansion where her height increased with every single day, she began to understand more of the boy's words. She sat in his lap as he opened a screen, showing pictures imitating the scenery outside her house with some scribbles on them.

"This is sleeping beauty," he focused on the scribbles.

"She is a princess laying down inside the garden," he pointed at the beautiful lady.

She felt annoyed that he showed her all these pictures when he struggled to read. Her mother had a much more soothing voice who connected each page together. He was taking time away that she could spend with her mother.

Ella attempted to press a button on the screen. She saw him press a certain button before to make the screen vanish. She smiled when he stopped trying to read when she had managed to find the button.

"Don't you want to know the rest of the story?" He kindly pressed the button again.

Maybe she was curious where the story led. The one story her mother wouldn't read to her was the tale of sleeping beauty. The next day when she waited for him to come to her room as usual, he never came.

"Are you wondering where your older brother is?" Her mother asked her when Ella pulled her sleeves.

Ella had never felt this way before. She was always with her older brother after she opened her eyes. She didn't know why her heart felt there was something missing. Unconsciously, she took her brother for granted, being the only other child in this mansion.

"Your brother is at school. Maybe he'll come visit us during the holidays," Her mother stroked her head.

Time slowly passed as she was able to walk towards the gates alone now. Every morning, she checked if a small boy was present outside her window. She was all alone inside the mansion with the servants. Her parents were busy with work so she could only meet them in the evening.

Ella never felt the mansion was so large when he was there, but now it felt like the whole place was swallowing her up. She picked up another book in the library as she read the rest of the tale of sleeping beauty alone. The ending was so typical and predictable.

Sleeping beauty woke up and found a prince who would marry her. She didn't know anyone in this new world where everyone had already died while she slept, frozen in time. The prince was just like her brother, who brought light into her world in this large mansion.

Nobody paid attention to her other than her barely present parents who got increasingly busy as she grew older. Ella felt she was just like sleeping beauty, alone in this big world where nobody cared for her. She searched for people who would play with her. However, what could she expect from programmed robots?

Ella had read in a book that once you marry someone, you'll get to be with them forever. Someone who would never leave and play with her. In her closed off world, all she had was him. She had no one else who would spare another glance at her.

Even when she met a lot of new people when she entered school, none of them felt the same as the first person she met. Including her partner, who desired for love like she did to the point he expected too much from her. She couldn't give him something that she desperately wanted as well.

"Die for us Liam," she poured more strength into her attacks.

Liam was brutally slammed against the wall over and over again. His body twisted and augmented as the wind played with him. He didn't do anything to defend himself, afraid that he would injure her in the process. If only he had chanted one attack to protect himself, he would be able to escape from her grasp. When his body became limp, unable to suffer the attacks much longer, he sadly smiled.

I gasped as Liam started to shimmer. His body was becoming translucent like he was fading out of existence. He maintained his smile like he didn't mind his second death. Right before he completely disappeared, he shattered into white dust. His remains resembled the white powder that drifted into my drink yesterday. I couldn't believe this was where fairy dust came from.

With Liam out of the way, Ella laughed, crazily in love as she finally faced her older brother. Zane froze in fear as a sudden wave of gust shot towards him. I ran out of Luke's barrier, sprinting in their direction.

"Come back to your senses Ella!" I skid in front of Zane.