Girl in Love (10)

"Does Zane look like he wants to die with you?" I pointed out.

"Why wouldn't he?" Ella appeared genuinely confused.

"We'll get to be together again," she looked like she was going to enter into a romantic daydream.

"Are you on Liam's side too?" She was about to switch her target.

"I told you, I'm not on anyone's side," I shouted.

Ella was insane. She quickly moved on to fulfill her goal like Liam was nothing to her. Love was a terrible excuse for her possessiveness. I wondered what made Ella so obsessive for her love for her older brother in the first place.

"You're still young Rika. You should run with your partner," Zane attempted to push me out the way.

"I deserve this. You saw what I did to the other girls that day. I know I'm trash. Everyone would be better off I died," he was indirectly saying I did what I could.

"But everyone deserves a second chance," I argued.

Zane sighed as he went through how this all began. He didn't deserve a second chance. Maybe he should have expected something like this coming at him someday. He just didn't know that day was today. He was a terrible person.

Alone, near to abandoned in a large mansion was a small boy. Like Ella, nobody paid attention to him once he learned how to speak. However, he was different in the sense he was pressured to take as many classes as his parents could afford. Bringing tutors to his house cost a lot of money.

Although his family was on the wealthy side, they weren't wealthy enough to hire the top tutors without taking a hit on their finances. His parents wanted him to have the best future possible. They worked hard to let him be admitted into a higher-ranking school. And because he knew about his fact, he couldn't complain how he would rather for them to be with him instead.

He was their family heir. This was why when Ella came into his life, he stayed as close to her as possible, not wanting to feel alone anymore. His tutors were always strict, only finding faults in him. After each class, he began to feel like he was worthless.

But each time he met Ella, he finally felt he was worth something. He could do the things that she couldn't do. She relied on him for everything as if she couldn't do anything on her own. Ella needed him in his life like she wouldn't be able to live without him.

Once he entered a higher-ranking school than his parents expected, his world expanded. He had a partner who was always with him, who relied on him. He wasn't alone anymore as he studied among his classmates who eventually became his friends. He was enjoying his school life, forgetting about Ella.

This was why he didn't think much when he visited his family after a long period of time. Ella stared at him from quite a distance as he introduced his partner. She didn't approach him until he was alone during the middle of the night.

"Who is she? Didn't you say you were going to marry Ella?" Ella asked him.

Zane began to feel guilty. He knew his sister felt the same way he used to feel. Although he had many people around him now, she was still alone. He lied to comfort her, "she's nothing to me."

Once she entered the same school as him, she was still all alone. Ella ignored all the people around her like they were nuisances. Her eyes brightened as she ran towards him. He began to be pulled into her whims, pitying her. Although his partner could live without him, Ella couldn't. Ella needed more care.

As she grew, this feeling eventually turned into love. He didn't care about anyone but her. They began to meet in secret to be openly lovers where their parents could not see them. Nothing was more important than Ella. This was why he was devastated when she died for him. He secluded himself, immersing himself in a world inside his head where Ella was still alive.

Every girl he met reminded him of Ella. He tried to move on, knowing she would never return. He knew what he did was bad, using others as her replacement. Guilt crept into his heart every time as he flirted to fill up his loneliness. He shuddered as he came back to senses when a large boulder was aimed towards me.

Zane pushed me with all his strength towards Luke's barrier. He sadly smiled as he watched the wind rush precisely at his neck after we had dodged the boulder. He looked like he was anticipating his death as he closed his eyes. I screamed as this could not be happening.

His head slid off from the rest of his body with a single tear that had dripped down from his eye with her final slash of air. Ella held onto his dear head once it had dropped onto the floor. She wondered why nothing was happening. He was supposed to turn into a fairy just like she did. It wasn't supposed to turn out this way.

Did he not have any extreme regrets? Didn't he want to be with her as much as she did? Her knees became weak as she soon stumbled onto the cold marble tiles. This was the girl in love. The girl who had killed her fiancée to fulfill her romance with her older brother. The girl who killed her older brother to be with him. Forever by his side. The girl in love.