During dinner, we were wondering why they needed private tutors to be called to his house. It still didn't make sense even at the competition arena. Rika was able to answer everything that came out on the screen. The other team didn't have a chance to answer a single question. My friends began to pity the people on the other team who were very merciless towards us.
My friends and I were excited to watch their performance for the dance competition. Apparently, these performances always left a big impression every year. When Rika was dressed as if she was about to attend a party, the atmosphere was instantly different. It didn't compare to when she wore her competition uniform. Everyone admired their beauty like they were not human.
It started off as an ordinary waltz. It was like we were in a movie set as we noticed the high level of technique to execute those moves. But my eyes widened as some swords rushed to join them. I shivered as the swords seamlessly blended into their performance as Rika jumped on them to soar into the air. She was now on the same eye level as the spectators who were on the fourth floor.
"Your sister looks like she's flying," my friend gasped.
Flashy twirls were done as she used the swords as stairs to climb higher. The performance appeared to be reaching its climax as all four of them were in the air. They effortlessly dodged the swords rushing towards them while adding some tricks. We were starting to forget this was a formal dance competition as Rika did some backflips instead of her usual pirouettes.
I stiffened when she suddenly dropped towards the ground as everyone muttered it must be part of the storyline. Luke caught her in his arms like everything was planned. His steps were light and eloquent as he circled around the ballroom. I knew it took an incredible amount of balance to walk over all those handles.
Once I transferred schools, I was forced to take dance as an elective. I wondered why everyone was required to learn it when it didn't seem it would be useful. I struggled to catch up to the others who had started in their early childhood. They were on a whole other level while I couldn't memorize the basic steps. I never knew the people in the first district took the training more seriously.
They were serious about winning. The way my sister appeared like the accidents never happened. The time where her podium exploded, and Luke had to carry her to their rooms. Another when a dagger flew to her head to kill her. Even before they entered this ballroom, Rika couldn't eat any solid food.
We almost jumped out of our seats when two people from the first district burst the doors open. One of them pulled out a sword out of thin air and began to destroy all the ones chasing Luke. Alex, who also noticed, pulled out an elegant sword of his own.
"Can they bring people that aren't on their team to help?" Someone who sat close to me grumbled.
"It isn't fair," Another person from the second district complained.
Once all the swords were destroyed, the host announced them as the winners without any second thoughts. Some people began to spit out their complaints about how they had other people who helped them in their performance. But it all stopped when they heard, "How could you leave my younger siblings to fend for themselves while swords rushed to kill them?"
"Don't you see my younger sister bleeding in her dress?" He pointed out.
I froze as that person was my older twin sister. My mind went blank as I thought of my parents. My mom who tried to forget about my sister when the three of us gathered to eat together and my dad who had her pictures in frames beside their bed. I trembled in anger as I dashed down the stairs to get a closer look. This was why I had to follow them. I had to watch over my sister for my parents.
"I'll do anything if you let me follow you," I pleaded.
"I think we can take him with us as long as he's in our supervision," Rika's friend supported me.
When they noticed I wasn't going to get out of the car unless they dragged me out, Luke sighed. The car was filled with them discussing what they should do in a foreign language. Their voices were starting to get louder like they were fighting with each other. Rika's friend was the one who told me their decision, "you can come with us as long as you follow everything we say."
I frantically nodded my head. Rika pouted as if she lost something during the discussion. The car went silent as she studied the scenery outside the window instead. I followed her and hid my surprise when I realized I wasn't inside the third district anymore. I never knew the two districts were this close to each other.
We were inside a big city now. Nobody in the crowd held phones anymore. They looked at everything on translucent screens that popped up from their demands. They swiped their fingers in the air like everyone inside the car. The advancement in technology was noticeable as bigger screens moved around as advertisements in crowded places. This was their world.