We Must Kill Sleeping Beauty (3)

The car seats became dirty from me vomiting another bottle of medicine Luke forced me to drink. Shelly began to wipe the seats again as I coughed more of the drink out. They didn't have enough mana to completely heal me. I immediately rushed to open the door once we arrived in front of the hotel building to escape from the griminess.

"Rika!" Luke chased after me.

"You know you shouldn't run," he frowned.

"Can we please get a normal room on a normal floor?" I walked to the manager.

"You're staying in the same room," Alex pulled out the room cards.

"I'm not staying in that room anymore," I spun around to face him.

"You don't have a choice," he repeated from last time.

"I'm not staying in that room where that note appeared!" I unintentionally yelled.

Everyone froze as I covered my mouth, knowing that I should have never told them. I slowly looked up at Luke, studying if he was going to change his mind in staying inside the hotel with me. I made a mistake by becoming too controlled by my emotions.

"We're going to my villa," Luke grabbed my hand.

I knew this would happen. Tears welled up in my eyes as I started to make a huge scene. I was being mercilessly dragged on the ground as I refused to get up. All the people in the lobby stared in our direction, wondering what was going on. There was no chance of going to the spa, waterpark, gaming room and all the other amenities inside the hotel anymore.

"I'll stay inside that room. So please not to your villa," I cried.

"It was right before we left for the competition too. It won't be dangerous anymore," I defended that horrible room.

"Get up Rika," Luke coldly stared at me.

"I'm sure Alex has another room that's safe as the other one," I shot a glance at Alex.

"The school also wanted us to continue staying here," I recalled.

Luke's patience snapped as he chose to lift me in his arms and push me into a clean car. The door was slammed before I could think of reacting. I pounded on the windows as Shelly, Evan and Alex watched the car drive away from them. My tears stopped as I knew it wouldn't work anymore. Luke never fell for any of my acting anyways, it was mostly for the people around us, hoping they would stop him.

"What about Evan?" I wondered.

How were they going to make sure he wouldn't go to places the third district was behind on? I bit my lips since it was unfair how he rarely listened to me. Luke ignored me as the car drove to his villa in silence. When his marble vibrated, getting a message from Alex, it read that they'll visit him tomorrow.

I crossed my arms as I walked into his pathway leading to the villa. Maybe it would be better sleeping outside tonight to avoid Luke. My mind flickered like it was actually a good idea. I had everything I needed from the things Ben transferred from his inventory. Since there was a light barrier, I wouldn't have to worry about the cold.

I stopped walking as I wondered where to put all the pillows and blankets. It would be better to do it in the garden since the grass was cushy. The garden also had a lovely scent, making the idea more attractive. When I started to walk back from the direction I came from, Luke grabbed onto my wrist this time.

"Where do you think you're going?" He narrowed his eyes.

"I'm thinking of sleeping outside," I honestly answered.

"You're not sleeping outside," Luke didn't wait for my response.

"Do you think you're healed because you can walk now?" He pointed out my poor state.

"You're going to the infirmary again," he dragged me to the room.

He left me alone inside the room after the servants fetched a clean set of clothes. The same pattern was repeating over and over again. Feeling the grime on my clothes, I decided to take a bath first before doing anything else. What if the note drifted into this room like the one in the hotel? Wouldn't it mean that nowhere was safe?

This would mean that it wouldn't matter where I was. After the bath, I was feeling tempted to write a note of my own. All I needed was a sheet of paper and a pen. I smiled as I wrote down, 'I will kill you. The one who wants to be free and out of her cage. I will kill you.'

This had to be obvious that the target was me. I was the one caged inside this room and wanted to be free. Who else would it be? I happily hummed as I was impressed by how I perfectly imitated the handwriting.

However, my jaw almost dropped as a message was being written below my note. I searched the room for another person's presence as I could hear the sound of my pen moving. When the pen dropped down, I trembled while reading the eloquent writing.

[Thank you]

[I look forward to meeting you]

I collapsed onto the floor as I could sense a strong spell on that sheet of paper. I panted as I tried to grab onto the chair.