The Magician (1)

"That's not all. They said they're in a circus. You know with all those flying daggers covered in fire and traps to kill somebody to impress the audience. I think sometimes they even choose one of the people in the audience to participate. But I think the magician and swordsman are the worst because their attacks would be on a whole other scale," I rambled to the teachers.

"And we know a way to get you involved. If we meet you during the night, you can become a target too, making the investigation even easier!" I brightly smiled, hoping the main targets would be switched.

"We're doing all that we can," the teacher waved her hands, not wanting to meet us in the night.

"I have children who need me," she guiltily looked away from us.

"What about my fraction members, me and my partner?" Charles couldn't believe her response.

Even Luke, who had some of his generosity recovered from getting some sleep a few days ago, seemed to have lost it from their lackluster reaction. The teachers here weren't willing to get in danger with us even though it was their jobs to protect the students. Meanwhile, they didn't seem to be budging on increasing our leaves.

"My fiancée had been burning from a fever when we had to return to school from our leave ending. She has already been injured before we left, and you are not willing to do anything about it?" Luke yelled.

"We healed her," one of the teachers grumbled.

"Let's go Rika, these people aren't worth talking to," Luke grabbed my wrist to pull me out of their office.

"I'm holding a fraction meeting to help with this issue," he turned to Alex to gather the people in his main fraction.

"I'll also help," Miliana gritted her teeth.

This was how we quickly gathered everyone in our fractions in a neutral area, the courtyard with many tents. With all our classmates' efforts and Ben who noticed us along the way, it only took one hour for a crowd of key people to come. Although only people from the high school section could come since we were in their section of the school.

"I'll do the announcement," Luke went to take the lead.

"I called for all of you today to let you in on some important information. We went to the teachers for help and they refused to help us. There are s-class and three dangerous a-class monsters in the campus during the night," he raised his voice.

"Some of you may already know this is the reason why we're sleeping in tents. But from tonight, we will have to avoid both mana and sword users as well," Luke asked them for help.

"We should be pulling all our donations out," Miliana suggested.

"Michelle, my classmate wasn't able to wake up a few days ago for several hours and Rika got severely injured from trying to protect me," her eyes welled with angry tears.

"My cousin slept for days as well, trying to recover from the attacks," Alex recalled the time Luke missed all his calls.

"Our ears bled until we almost lost our hearing," Charles almost shouted.

"And the s-class monster we are talking about is the leader of all the monsters," I didn't forget to mention.

"What is the school doing?" Claire found the situation to be more serious than she thought it would be.

"The Suilett family will also be pulling our donations out," Lucius got the approval from Belle to protect their younger brother.

As everyone who gathered in our meeting promised to have their families pull their donations out, the sky drifted into the night without us knowing it. I stiffened as the crowd who came to help also got caught in the same mess as us. Their arms slightly moved, including them in the list of targets. My eyes widened as I saw someone about to throw a flaming sword in our direction.

"Run!" I yelled at all of them.

Abandoning the tents, we all began to sprint for our lives as more swords were aimed towards us. I winced as explosion spells were mixed in the attacks. This was a next level attack than the nights before. I didn't know what would have happened if we didn't get a warning about this. We even promised to meet them tonight for the additional lessons.

"This way," the dancer waved to us.

With us taking the lead in running, Luke pulled me to where the dancer gestured to us to run. I continued to dash wherever I could with Luke, almost sighing in relief when we lost the swords due to her help. I wondered why they were so intent in trying to kill us unlike the musician and the dancer. Would I have to continue this every night with all of them from now on?

I jumped over the blasted hole while buildings began collapsing above us. The entire campus was mercilessly getting destroyed as loud sounds of falling rocks made my heart skip a beat. With my weak stamina, I almost stumbled onto the ground while Luke continued to drag me to avoid the next attack. When my knees collapsed, unable to run no more, his eyes widened as he quickly lifted me into his arms, our pace getting slower than others with the extra weight.

"We can escape this night," he grunted.