The Magician (2)

Luke worked hard, matching the pace of other people while dripping with sweat to endure the night. If he stopped to take a rest, there was a high chance both of us would die. The aims of the swords were very accurate, injuring one of our fraction members, rendering their arm useless. We didn't have the chance to counterattack since we could injure the people in front or behind us.

The dancer continued to lead a safe route where only explosion spells came out of nowhere. It would be almost impossible to focus with both the swords and bombs coming from the sky. Luke also had to jump over the big craters of holes that would trap someone inside, making them unable to get out due to its sheer depth. As the night continued, the obstacles increased, making it harder to run when the ground was uneven.

"I can point the spell into the sky," I raised my hand.

"Don't! They'll know where you are!" The dancer warned us.

I sighed as I placed my hand back down. Instead, I focused on creating a barrier around Luke in case he wouldn't be able to dodge an attack. No teachers were seen in the campus like they had already escaped from the school. I knew they were like this since their lives were precious to them too. However, it didn't stop our grudges against them from increasing since we needed to live as well.

"Is there any safe place here?" I asked her.

"The entire school is used as a stage for the circus," she shook her head.

"Ailes made it this way since we wanted to perform on the biggest stage we had," the dancer seemed to regret her actions.

"Then we can escape from the school!" I had some hope.

"There are no exits once you enter the school during the night. We didn't want any of the audience members from escaping," she pointed out the faint barrier around the school.

"Wow, Ailes really thought of everything," I pretended to be impressed.

While Luke struggled to continue running five hours into the night with the others, the attacks had evolved. No more were only explosions but racing through flooded waters and thick sandy grounds. You had to lightly step like large spanning jumps to keep afloat or sink into the floor. Laser beams circled around random areas like they were lighting the concert hall. Thick fog also surrounded us, making everyone dependent on their ears since they couldn't see more than a few metres.

"I can run on my own now," I didn't want to become more of a burden.

"I don't have time to place you back down," Luke pushed himself to his limits.

"You can drop your arms and I'll jump out," I suggested.

"It's not like before Rika. Do you think you can handle it?" He looked for more routes to escape.

"If everyone else can, I can as well," I pointed out.

Knowing he wouldn't last long with carrying me, he dropped his arms as I jumped out as planned. But someone pulled me into the air as my feet swung midair, wondering where the ground was located. Luke reached his arm out to pull me towards him as the distance between us increased.

"Rika!" He screamed as I quickly chanted a spell to place a barrier over him before he got hit by an explosion spell.

I sadly smiled as he quickly came back to his senses once the barrier shattered. Feeling the arms around my waist, I wondered who was the one pulling me towards the sky. I lifted my head to find another shadow floating higher into the air. By the time he stopped, there were no attacks coming towards us with our altitude.

"Why me?" I found myself in a safe place.

"I don't have anything against you compared to the people on the ground," he answered.

"What do you mean?" I wondered.

"You don't have the same bloodline as them. You come from a normal family while they are the descendants of those horrible families that ruined my life," he gritted his teeth.

"Ruined your life?" I decided to carefully tread around the topic.

"Their families caused my career to fail from abusing their power," he watched them suffer.

"Did they confine you and take away your freedom?" I almost sympathized with him.

"They placed all the blame on me. The naïve me who didn't know anything back then," he shook his head.

"They confine you?" he looked down at me.

"I'm not allowed to go anywhere without their permission. I can't eat, drink or wear any clothes I want while I get punished if I don't obey their rules," I wondered what happened to him.

"Is there anyone in particular I should aim at?" he waved his hand to show the map of all the attacks he had in store.

"How about you do a big explosion spell at that office?" I pointed to the teacher's office.

"Is that all?" He tapped on a section of the map to make the entire building explode.

"It's not obliviated into ashes, we should make sure not a single particle exists there," I pointed out there could be survivors in that office.

"I can do disintegration on that office," he leveled up the power in his spell.

I froze as I never knew someone else other than me knew how to use that spell.