The Host (8)

"You're not going to die Rika. Do you really think I wouldn't carry your fever medicine around with me?" Luke dropped his act.

I stiffened, forgetting that he always carried many bottles of medicine in his inventory. I couldn't believe he was acting like I was going to die for the entire time after more memories drifted into me again. Maybe he planned to use it after somehow getting rid of Ailes. I knew his acting was much better than mine but not to this extent.

"But you never used it," I pointed out.

"Of course I wouldn't use it since they could use the chance to infect you. It would only be a last resort if you didn't get better after a few more days. Your body isn't that weak," he revealed.

"Didn't you say a fever like this would normally kill someone?" I recalled the conversation from a few days ago.

"It would. But what do you think I've been feeding you to prevent you from getting to that point?" He pulled out the bottle with the white powdered drink inside.

"Then I wouldn't have to give up on my other food!" I was almost fooled by them.

"You can't, you'll get sick," he passed me the bottle.

"There's only so much we can do. Once we get back to the mansion, I'll still have to take you to the infirmary," he sighed.

"Wasn't the mansion destroyed?" I wondered.

I chugged the bottle of medicine while waiting for his answer. Instead of answering me, Luke chose to send more messages to tell others how we were doing. I guessed the others were fine, resting in their other mansions.

"We're going to grandfather's house. We still need to tell him how you were reincarnated," he didn't forget about our prior conversation.

"Then what about the tower?" I didn't want to leave the game room yet.

"It's under the Roselia family now. No one can enter this place without our permission. Another reason why we're visiting grandfather," he waited for me to finish the bottle.

"Wait. I thought it was under my ownership!" I felt betrayed.

"You're a part of the Roselia family," he was basically telling me whatever was under my name was under the control of his family.

"We're going right now," he had a hover car waiting outside the window for us.

This was how I landed myself in his grandfather's office again. I chose to stay silent this time while his grandfather discussed the details about the tower with him. It seemed Lucius had already handled the mess about the ruined mansions. Hoping he wouldn't ask me anything about my reincarnation, I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Rika, you were reincarnated from another world?" His grandfather turned to me.

"Maybe," I couldn't look at his eyes.

"And you possess the second chance card too," he already knew everything from Luke.

"Do you know more about that card?" I wondered, wanting to get more information.

"How was your former world like?" He switched the topic.

"It resembled the third district. Do you know more about the second chance card?" I wanted to know how reliable it would be.

"Not much is known. It has been thousands of years since there was a mention of something like this in the books. I heard you were a high school student in your former life," his grandfather wasn't willing to answer my questions.

"I was, but the education level was lower than the first year of elementary school here," I wanted this conversation to end.

"I'm sure you understand with your age, we have higher expectations here," he pointed out my poor grades.

"Of course. But I think your expectations may be a bit too high for me. I didn't study all the time in my former life. I did normal things like going to play some games with my friends," I started to negotiate for the headgear.

"You may already know that things are a bit different for you in this life. Sadly, we cannot allow you to do the same things as your previous life. In fact, it is very hard for us to believe you were a high school student in your past life," he was almost the same as Luke.

"Excuse me, but it is very hard to change your lifestyle when you are pushed to study to the extremes," I was losing some of my patience.

"So I would appreciate it if you allow me to take some things from the tower," I went directly to my point.

"Unfortunately, we are still in the process of cleaning the tower. We do not know if there may be anything hazardous," he declined my request.

"The headgears aren't hazardous! I'm only asking you for one thing compared to that giant tower!" I almost slammed his desk.

"It seems we need to call for more tutors," he frowned.

"I'll arrange a schedule for you to follow with Luke to catch up on school after you get released from the infirmary," he gestured to Luke to take me out of his office.

Was he actually kidding me? It was really hard to try staying on his good side since he was a cheat character. Everyone knew the value of that tower and in comparison, I only asked for a small item in return. Didn't he know that without me, they wouldn't have obtained it in the first place?