"I thought I would be dead," the dancer found herself inside a tall tower.
"What happened?" The musician groaned while getting up.
"I think someone brought us here to safety," the juggler looked at his surroundings.
The five of them were inside a tall tower, swallowed by the darkness of the night. The walls were bare, showing the person who saved them didn't care for decorations. And no signs of food nor water were seen. While signs of furniture or beds weren't present in this empty room as well. It was like they weren't human anymore since only the dead could live in this room.
"You must be surprised," a monster opened the door.
The five of them stiffened, moving back. There was a s-class monster in front of them and everyone knew how dangerous they were. Not wanting to turn into one of them, they trembled in fear. It was one of the dangers of living in the first district.
"I am the host of this tower," Ailes warmly smiled at them.
"I am the one who will create your stage," he offered.
I shook my head, wanting to tell them they were already dead. Maybe they would figure out later in time. It was too dark for them to know that their bodies were pitch black, none of their distinct features could be seen except for their outlines. These were the circus members I was familiar with. I sighed, knowing they wouldn't be able to hear me.
"Rika! Wake up! We need to attend the graduation ceremony today," Luke shook me.
"Isn't it tomorrow?" I groaned.
After returning to school from the tortuous schedule planned by his grandfather yesterday, I was told that I would have to attend the graduation ceremony with him. Both Lucius and Belle were graduating from the school and family members were invited to celebrate the big event. Although I didn't like them, I didn't want them to graduate since that would mean both Claire and Yulian would be graduating as well. This meant their fraction work in this school would fall on us.
"It's in several hours. Uncle also called for a celebration after the event," he pulled my blankets away from me.
"Uncle?" I wondered.
"My uncle on my mother's side of the family," he told me it was Jules' father.
"Do I have to go?" I grumbled, knowing the answer.
"Get up," he passed me my outfit for today.
I didn't know who came up with the concept that the graduation ceremony should be held on weekends, but it was a horrible idea. I recently escaped from his grandfather and I would soon be entering another hell. I changed into my miserable dress while Luke helped me with all the accessories.
I walked with him towards the high school section where the stage we were once held captive since it was the location of the event. I froze when I noticed his parents already seated in their seats. My name floated on top of a chair, showing where I should sit. Thankfully, I was seated beside Luke, who was less intimidating. However, I stiffened when I noticed Alex's parents would be seated on the other side of my seat.
His entire family was coming to watch them. I wondered if this was really that important of an event. Was it because they would almost escape the point system once they entered university? Oddly, since university was the last level of school, once you entered with the amount of points you gathered in high school, the point system wasn't needed anymore. Plus, you were almost considered as an adult at this stage.
I shrank into my seat as more people gathered inside the auditorium. Focusing on all the beautiful decorations like the flowers hanging from the ceiling, I tried to distract myself. I clapped when someone entered the stage to get their diploma with everyone else. The key was making sure I wasn't standing out. I even made sure my posture would be perfect with my mannerisms. My eyes were focused on the stage, not daring at the people beside me.
However, the stage darkened with all the lights suddenly vanishing. Sounds of glass popping, with its shards heading towards us as piece weapons. Flowers tumbling down onto our hair, the entire venue rumbling. I wondered if this was part of the plan since I never been to an event like this before. But maybe I knew, deep inside my heart that Ailes couldn't give up on me after being scammed out of his tower. Luke and his grandfather burned the cheque transferred to Ailes with a spell, only keeping the promise of giving the money but not responsible for what happened afterwards.
"You're not dead," Ailes punctured a hole from above.
He dropped onto the stage, hands on the ground, making the teacher freeze in shock. Turning to take a glance of Luke's family members, they seemed bored, not paying attention to Ailes. I wondered if they weren't feeling worried for their son who didn't step onto the stage yet. Ignoring him like the others, he started to walk towards my seat. Even though I didn't like Luke's family, I was never so glad to have them with me today.
Before Ailes could come close to our row, a barrier prevented him from getting any closer. I guessed this was the power that properly trained adults with a vast amount of mana could do without even chanting. Instead of giving up, Ailes widely smiled, placing his hands against the barrier to break it with a large amount of counter energy. Large ripples were created from his spell and hearing noises of the barrier cracking, I shifted closer towards Luke.
"I'm not giving up on you Rika!" Ailes screamed while shattering the barrier.