Turns (3)

"This place is real," Oili couldn't take eyes off the shelves.

"It looks better than what you showed me," Delia took some interest in some items.

"Please give us more application forms," I turned to the president.

"Sure," the president didn't expect two new members.

Passing the application forms to Oili and Delia, they immediately completed them within seconds to begin using some of the artifacts. In turn, I gave the forms to the president to approve them while both Shelly and Sienna were already using the headgears. Sleeping bags were scattered on the grounds where there was space. The other members weren't here yet, leaving some more space for us.

"The Whaise and Ellison families!" The president's hands trembled.

"Now let me play the otome game," Delia was interested from my descriptions inside the café.

"I'm going to play the singing competition game," Oili pulled out a headgear for himself.

"We have new members again?" The high school students entered the room.

"We're taking turns so there will be more coming tomorrow," Delia let them know.

"May I know where the TV screens are?" She turned to the members.

"We have another area for that behind the last shelf," a member guided her.

Seeing how everyone was enjoying themselves, I entered the same game as Shelly and Sienna. It was surprising to know that both of them never used the headgear before coming here. Introducing them to more powerful moves inside the game, we quickly advanced to the closest dungeon to the demon king's castle.

"We need to defeat more dungeons!" Sienna's avatar was a cute witch.

"I also purchased a new staff," Shelly was a magician here.

"Let's go!" I pulled out my sword.

This was how we were inside the last dungeon before the members struggled to wake us. We were on the edge defeating one of the area bosses in the boss room. Sienna pouted while placing the headgear off her head. Meanwhile, Shelly couldn't believe the time on her marble, opening the screen over and over again.

"I'm so glad it's the weekend tomorrow," Sienna placed the headgear on the shelf again.

"The otome game was amazing!" Delia walked towards us.

"But didn't you guys say you have to take turns?" Oili reminded us.

I sighed while accepting a video call from Ellen since none of us wanted to give up on our turn. Only Oili could freely use the room without any suspicion since he was a high school student now. Both Cillian and Henry looked at the room from the camera, feeling interested from Ellen's descriptions. I could sense this was bad since they may want to join as well.

"I want in," Henry found everything that Ellen mentioned to be true from the call.

"If Henry is going, then I'm going too," Cillian joined in.

"We can't all go, we're going to get discovered," I felt frustrated at our situation.

"Wait, I have two turns from tomorrow," Ellen reminded us.

"I can't leave this place," Sienna had tears welling in her eyes.

"I covered for you guys yesterday," Delia wasn't willing to leave as well.

"I can't leave since I started this!" I pointed out how I was the organizer.

"Why are you taking turns?" The president looked confused.

"We have a situation," Shelly awkwardly answered.

"If I spend another day at the café, then I'm telling Luke about this," Henry threatened us.

"Fine, you get your turn tomorrow! But we need at least two people there to cover for us," I didn't want to be that person.

"Please Ian? One more day?" Sienna turned to him.

"Fine, then I guess Rika, Michelle and I can stay at the café tomorrow," Cillian unfortunately included me in the list.

"Then can you give me their application forms now?" I asked the president.

"Here," the president anticipated this.

Cillian, Ellen and Henry all transferred me their filled application forms within a minute, afraid that the president may take back his words. When the president received the forms, he wasn't surprised from their family backgrounds anymore. In fact, all of the members were used to it since it was their third time. Suddenly, the once big club room appeared smaller to them since there was an influx of new members.

"We didn't know you would be interested in our club," a member commented.

"It's just that we didn't know about it," Delia answered for us.

I quickly ended the call before it would get more out of hand. At this rate, we would need to properly schedule our turns to make sure no one would get mad to report this to Luke. Choosing to send messages to them, all of us made a schedule for the rest of the term. I couldn't help but have tears welling in my eyes, eventually dripping onto my cheeks while arranging my turn.

"This is just too sad!" Sienna cried with me.

"I don't want to leave too!" I tried to wipe my tears.

"It's the only way," Delia even looked depressed.

The weekends were where things were about to escalate into a fight. Everyone wanted the weekends since we would have more energy to play the games. During the weekdays, at most we could spend several hours since we needed to study for school as well.

"Please? I want this weekend!" I begged everyone in this plan.

"I also need these days!" Henry shouted back.

"We agreed that I'll be taking those days," Delia tried to sneak in her turn.

"We didn't!" We all screamed at her.