Turns (4)

"I need every other weekend!" I slammed my hand down on the floor.

"I also need the same!" Sienna yelled at us.

"But isn't that my day?" Delia coldly defended herself.

"I need this day," Shelly pointed out the precious Fridays.

We ended up switching back into the video call again since the chatroom was getting filled with too many messages than what we could handle. When we realized the Fridays were the next best thing after the weekends, it also became a fierce battle after the weekends were slowly determined. None of us were willing to give up some days for others.

"Can't you give me this Friday? I already gave you some of the weekends," Cillian pretended he didn't have a day on the weekends.

"I gave you some weekends too!" I refuted.

"You guys are getting too heated up," Oili pointed out the other members watching us.

"You don't have to take turns!" All of us shouted at him.

"I'm taking this Friday!" Henry took the chance.

"I'm taking this Friday!" Both Sienna and I yelled at the same time.

Eventually it was decided that only three people would stay behind in the café to cover for the rest. Since there were the seven of us in this plan, this meant four people would be able to use the club room during this time. The original club members watched us cry and almost break the table from slamming our hands onto it to make a point.

"The only exception is if we exchange turns for a day," Delia made the final call.

This situation would never happen unless it was on a weekday other than Friday. The only thing we had in common was how we all feared Luke. The original members slowly left the room, almost late into the night. We had been fighting over the schedule for hours, not relenting on giving more days to others.

After somewhat managing to set a fair schedule, I sprinted to my dorm room. If I had more time, then I could have fought for more days. As I entered the dorm room, I couldn't help from deeply sighing from the lack of time I had in the club room. I was one second from being late from the time Luke had set for me.

"Did something happen?" Luke noticed how depressed I looked.

"I lost in a fight," I couldn't hold back my tears.

"The café," I began to sniffle while keeping things as vague as possible.

I didn't want to stay in that café anymore. With all the curses going towards the café, it could become haunted by our complaints one day. The once paradise became a hell from keeping me from playing more games. Luke oddly looked at me, wondering what had happened in the café today. Ignoring him to punch more pillows in my room, I wiped my tears while opening my bedroom door.

Maybe he was suspicious of what happened that day, he visited the café the next day, finding me almost crying with Shelly and Cillian. He stared at Cillian, finding it strange how he was with us when he usually hung out with Henry. Even Shelly couldn't lift her head from the table, too depressed to touch her chocolate milkshake.

"They lost the fight," Cillian explained, not feeling depressed as us since he never went inside the club room yet.

"They're cruel people," I pushed my strawberry shortcake away from me.

"How could they do this to us?" Shelly mumbled.

"The fight must have been serious," Luke noticed Delia, Sienna and Ellen missing.

"It got very intense," Cillian recalled.

"Nobody was willing to give in," he sighed, losing some precious weekends for himself.

"Our friendship almost broke!" I had tears streaming down my face.

"Are we even friends anymore?" Shelly lifted her head from the table.

"They're not called friends anymore," Cillian agreed from how aggressive Henry was towards him when it came to Fridays.

"You were a part of it as well?" Luke seemed a bit surprised.

"That's why we're here together," he sadly smiled, trying to hide that Luke was the reason for this.

"I don't think we have ever fought like this before," he made sure to keep things vague.

The club room was a hidden golden treasure chest. While the original members looked at us strangely, they always remembered to wake us up in time. I didn't think I would have to return to the café after only two days of visiting. Even Shelly didn't comfort me since she couldn't comfort herself, regretting she pointed out the Fridays.

Cillian passed me his handkerchief to me to wipe my tears. But my face was already drenched and not helping much when my tears wouldn't stop. Luke joined us at the table, seeing how the three of us couldn't stop sighing. None of the desserts were touched as it wouldn't console us from losing some of the best days.

"Cillian," I hugged him while he was generous enough to comfort us.

"I know, they were a bit too much," he stroked my hair.

"But we didn't discuss the holidays yet," he recalled.

"The holidays?" Both Shelly and I screamed.

"Give me the holidays," I brought out my most pitiful eyes.

"I already gave you the other days!" Cillian refuted.

"What are you talking about?" Luke looked a bit confused.

"Luke, tell him to give me the holidays," I separated myself from the cruel Cillian.

"But you're going to the mansion for the holidays. Our parents wanted us to visit them," he told me for the first time.

Both Shelly and Cillian brightened from the news. From Luke being gone, all of them could freely use the club room. Meanwhile, my head crashed onto the table to the point it may leave a bruise later.