"I'm bored," I finished all the games in the room.
After signing a contract with Luke, Cillian strictly followed all his instructions. Although I had free access to the club room, I couldn't go anywhere else. I never thought I would get sick of playing games. Spending days inside the club room with the time-space function for each break, it didn't feel so satisfying anymore in leveling up. I wanted to move on to do something else.
"How about we go outside for this upcoming weekend?" I suggested.
"Didn't you get kidnapped last time?" Ethan heard from the rest of them.
"It wasn't that bad. Compared to dealing with monsters and fairies, it's nothing," I shrugged.
"Do you know what Luke did after you were taken away from him?" Ethan shuddered.
"And who was the one that made Ella kill everyone?" I warned him to stop.
Ethan went silent, knowing his sentence was the trigger leading to a few people's tragic death. Luke probably mixed in a lecture and some threats like what he usually did to me. Most people didn't know how scary it was when he poked all of your weaknesses. Knowing that Cillian wouldn't be able to do anything that made the penalties come in, I wanted to look through the contract myself.
"Can you give me the contract?" I wanted to look for some loopholes.
"There's no loopholes," Cillian passed me the contract.
I skimmed through the hundreds of pages, knowing where the important parts were. I was used to these kinds of contracts, another way Luke tried to negotiate with me. The best thing was not signing in general, but sometimes you had no choice. I knew Ethan had signed one with Luke as he tried to hide how his hands were shaking around him. I only signed a contract with him once, not wanting to have more of my freedom restricted by the hidden terms.
"There's a loophole," I smiled.
"I can go outside if you don't know about it. And only when you figure out, you have to report to him," I pointed to the line.
"Luke is going to kill you if that happens," Ethan warned Cillian.
"Is one of the terms inside the contract trying to prevent this from happening?" I guessed.
Ethan didn't answer me, meaning that my guess was on the mark. Maybe I would make plans with the others to visit my secret hideout. Who would try to break in another person's house? It was a safer location than the hotel. I could even transfer more of my things to make more room in the place provided by Charles' fraction.
"I can just not tell you anything and go out of the school with Shelly and Ellen," I knew Delia would be busy covering for us while Sienna was watching over Alex.
"I have to send him a message, letting him know when you're thinking of going out of the school," Cillian shot me an apologetic look.
"I'm always thinking of going out of the school," I sighed.
"That's why I have to send him a message whenever you tell me about it," he sent a message to Luke.
"Forget it," I could always go out when I was partnered with Henry.
Not even a second had passed when my marble vibrated, getting an incoming call from Luke. Ignoring the call, I flopped onto the sleeping bag. Unfortunately, Cillian received the call, hiding we were inside the club room. He stood in front of a plain wall, gesturing for me to come when it was risky Luke would try to come to us.
"What?" I walked into the camera's line of sight.
"You already know about my bucket list," I blurted before he could say anything.
"How are you still thinking of going outside?" Luke pointed out only two days has passed since I came back from a kidnapping.
"Can't you end the call?" I turned to Cillian.
"I'll make sure she won't leave the school," Cillian tried to assure Luke.
Ending the call, I became even more depressed. I was bored of staying in school all the time. With both Ethan and Cillian looking over me with the contract they signed, there was no way I could escape Luke. I decided to go through more of the artifacts on the shelves, trying to look if there were more interesting things. Pulling out an interesting book from the third district, I skimmed through the pages.
My eyes sparkled when I found the next best thing to do. Maybe I would graduate from being just a fan into a creator. I could write my own light novel and somehow share it with the school to get more funding to hire an artist to create a manga version of it. From then, my manga version could become popular enough to turn into an anime! With enough money and fame, I could eventually escape from the Roselia family.
"I'm going to write my own novel!" I was starting to get excited.
"A novel?" Sienna tilted her head in confusion.
"You can be my editor!" I assigned her to a role.
"This wasn't in the contract," Cillian mumbled to Ethan.
"She's properly going to ask us to produce copies of it," Ethan grumbled.
"For our next club activity, we can go bug catching!" I raised one of my fists in the air.
"When do you want the copies to be finished?" Ethan's eyes changed.