Author (7)

"Here's the rest of the first draft," I passed to Sienna.

"I think you need to put more actions into it. Like what are your characters' expressions when they're fighting," she pointed out.

"You're right," I frowned when I skimmed through the pages.

"But this isn't bad," Delia read the draft after her.

"How did you come up with this?" Henry stood beside Delia.

"You can call me your senior. Where do you think I got all these ideas from?" I revealed my long experience in reading a bunch of light novels and manga.

"If you have a model that doesn't express emotions easily and know what they're mostly thinking, you can base some of your characters off of that person," Delia gave me some advice.

"Taking pictures should help," Shelly added.

How were each and every one of my newly hired editors so good? I knew who exactly to go to as my model. Running to my old dorm room, I knocked on the door. Alex opened the door for me as I found Luke still working on the fraction work. Pulling out my marble, I started taking pictures of Luke to use as my reference. While taking some pictures, I realized his breathtaking features. Wouldn't he be the perfect male lead?

"You're distracting me from my work Rika," Luke wanted me to stop.

"Keep talking," I wanted to take more pictures of when he was annoyed.

Walking around him to take more pictures from different angles, I poked him once or twice to see what other emotions he would feel. I scuffled his hair to see if it would make him look drastically different. But other Luke losing more of his patience, there wasn't a good variety of emotions coming from him. Maybe I should have chosen a better model.

"Can you smile for me?" I wanted more effort from my model.

"Rika!" Luke finally exploded.

I smiled, taking more pictures of his angry face. It had been ten minutes since he has shown any emotions other than being annoyed. He wouldn't be able to do anything to me anyways since I was partnered with Cillian for the rest of the week. Maybe my new male lead would be the one who always pretended to be annoyed. I was getting more inspiration from Luke as he started to tremble from holding in his pilling anger.

All the remaining faces I needed was worry, happiness and fear. Worry and fear was easy, I just needed to pretend I was sick. But I had forgotten that since I was so focused on my first draft, it had been a long time since I ate anything. I didn't normally run around, spending more energy than normal to take pictures of someone. I started to feel dizzy, tripping over one of the carpets, grabbing my throbbing head.

"Why are you starting to burn up again?" Luke tried to pull me to the couch.

Taking the chance, I pulled out my camera to take more pictures. I knew it was taking all of Luke's patience to not take my marble away from me. Since I had worry and fear in my collection now, I quickly hid it from him. Trying to take my temperature again, Luke placed his hand against my forehead. In the process, my stomach grumbled, showing how I was sick from not eating enough in the time-space room.

Luke sighed as he pulled out a supplement from his inventory. I turned my face away to refuse, knowing this was the best chance to get him to smile if I negotiated well. I couldn't believe all the effort I was putting in to get my model to work better with me.

"I'm not drinking that unless I get to take pictures of you smiling," I pulled out my marble.

"Is this good enough?" Luke brightly smiled.

I nodded my head as I took some pictures of him angrily smiling in as many angles as possible. Before Luke erased his smile, I quickly chugged the supplement to escape from the dorm room. Running to the door, I tripped on the carpet again, crashing my head onto the floor. Rubbing my head, I cringed when I noticed I had twisted my ankle. Why did it have to look so swollen? The big red bump and misalignment from my foot made both Alex and Luke instantly find the injury.

"That's why I told you not to run inside the room," Luke scolded me while using heal.

"And don't you dare take more pictures Rika," he noticed me pulling out my marble.

I decided to not take any more pictures while I was stuck inside his room. Maybe I could secretly follow him later to take better pictures. Most of the ones I took looked a little bit unnatural. I was disappointed in him since he was a better actor than me when we weren't alone. Couldn't he try cooperating to quickly finish his role?

"Is Rika here?" Cillian knocked on the door when break time was about to end.

"She twisted her ankle and injured a bit of her head," Alex opened the door for him.

"Walk, instead of running," Luke warned me when he finished healing my injuries.

"Nothing is going to happen," I got up from the floor.

Seeing Alex's face, full of his emotions, he could have been a better model than Luke. This was the chance to take more reference photos. I quickly snapped more pictures of Alex until Luke tried to take away my marble from me. Avoiding his arms, I swiftly dodged both Alex and Luke while getting a huge range of emotions. I wondered why I didn't do this from the start, this was much better than targeting only Luke.