The next morning, I was surprised to sleep in later than usual on a weekend. I wondered why Luke and Alex were opening all the cabinets, drawers and closets in our room. My eyes widened when I found the entire treasure chest of my accessories empty when Luke opened a door in my closet. Although my clothes remained, all the accessories were gone when Luke went through all the places again.
"They also stole our watches and rings," Alex found it unbelievable.
Luke didn't want to believe that his exclusive collection of accessories was gone. I knew how precious they were to him, the way that he nicely arranged everything when regularly updating his collection. The only reason he was holding back was because they didn't touch his clothes that he considered to be equally important. This made Alex open his inventory to see if there was anything missing on his end. Sneaking a peek, I gasped when his inventory full of books, textbooks, and stationary were gone.
"I'll check my inventory too," Luke opened his marble.
Finding the same things in his inventory gone like Alex, Luke found his prized collection of research books missing. I tried to hide my smile, knowing that the study session for today had to be cancelled. This stalker had a sense of humor, only leaving the things that were barely used behind. Although I didn't know what hobbies Alex had, I guessed he had similar ones as Luke, finding him equally upset.
"Wait for me to apply some lotion on you before you get out of the bed," Luke finally noticed I was awake.
"But they're not on the table anymore," I knew where he usually placed them.
"There should be more in another place," Luke opened a drawer hidden inside another drawer.
"But they're not there," I looked at the empty drawer.
"I'm going to check my room," Alex wanted to check if the things he didn't move out were safe.
While Luke searched for the things that my stalker didn't steal, Alex returned to us like his heart was torn apart. The only items that the stalker left behind were the huge furniture, my bottles of medicine and supplements, the medical machines, and everyone's clothes and shoes. The packs I saw in the video were gone alongside everything else. I could tell that Luke was close to exploding, finding our room almost emptied.
"They took my things in my room," Alex was about to cry.
"Everything in this room is almost gone too," Luke was too upset to comfort Alex.
"I don't think we should buy new ones since they can steal them again," I didn't want the study session to continue.
At this rate, we could even skip class since the textbooks were all gone. It was a pity that my stalker didn't steal the medicine and supplements alongside the painful dresses and shoes. I decided to touch all my clothes, hoping they would disappear the next day if I did. Maybe I would have to change into all of them. I was full of energy while exploring everything that I didn't know I possessed.
"Can you help me with this dress?" I turned to Luke.
Luke soullessly helped me change into all of the dresses in my closet to spend the rest of the day. I made sure to try all the shoes in the process, giving the excuse I wanted to prepare for social week that was several months from now. This made Alex join in to try out most of his clothes to distract himself from thinking of all his stolen belongings. I didn't think Luke's mood would improve when seeing me in all the clothes he chose.
He began to change into his clothes to try to match our outfits together. By the end of the day, all of us had tried everything in our closet. I tried to ignore the guilt inside my heart as I hoped not everything that we touched would be stolen the next morning. But the next day, I woke up from Luke loudly slamming the closet doors. I gasped when all three of our closets were completely empty, not a single thing to be seen, including our uniforms.
"How?" I was stunned.
"There's even photos of us changing," Alex trembled.
I was amazed how my plan had worked. I didn't mind if my stalker took more photos of me, I was always wearing something underneath while I changed into a new dress. It was the same for Luke and Alex. The comments went into a frenzy as they admired Luke helping me in changing into all the dresses. Some even went into the details of every outfit I wore, pointing out the stores that Luke had purchased them from. This expanded to Luke and Alex, everyone chattering about the price of the clothes and shoes they wore.
Closing the screen, I realized that none of us could leave the room, having no shoes or clothes to change into. Meaning, Luke couldn't go to the cafeteria to bring me my breakfast. Charles knocked on our door, the screen showing him bringing our meals. Luke opened the door to let him in, not needing to explain how most of our things were stolen with all the opened closets, drawers and cabinets.
Charles was stunned, looking at all the empty storages. While Luke placed the plates of food on the small table, Charles offered, "I can lend you a few of my clothes. I'm not sure about the shoe size though."