Stalker (6)

"Can we sleep in your room tonight? I'm scared to stay here any longer," I pretended to tremble.

"If it is alright with you," Luke agreed with me after he lost everything.

But Charles didn't want to switch dorms with us, knowing everything we had suffered through from checking the fan site. This made the four of us to be together inside his cramped room. I opened his closet, making sure to touch everything to get my revenge. I knew he was looking at me weirdly as I tried on his clothes and shoes. Both Luke and Alex did the same, trying to find a decent outfit to wear.

"Miliana has some extra clothes," Charles wanted me to stop touching everything.

"Her clothes are probably not as loose as yours," I wore his shirt as a mini dress.

I smiled as Luke went through everything that Charles had in his inventory so they could share his stationery and books. The entire day passed by quickly as I took the chance to use as many things as I could. I didn't complain when I slept in the middle of the tight bed that barely fit the four of us. I was full of anticipation, wanting to know if the same thing would expand to Charles as well.

Since I slept early last night, I woke up near the same time as everyone else. I stretched my arms before being the first one to slip out of the bed. Charles watched me walk to his closet, wondering what I wanted from him. When I opened his closet, I brightly smiled, finding it completely empty. This made Charles run to open all his storage places, not believing all his things were stolen within a night.

I quickly hid my smile, sneaking a peek into his inventory, showing all the same things missing as Luke and Alex. Finding my revenge accomplished, I checked the fan site, wondering if there were some pictures of him uploaded. I gasped when there was a video of the four of us sleeping together, displaying all of us tightly cramped together. The comments went into chaos, heating up even more than when Luke, Alex and I shared one bed together.

I gulped as I knew this could potentially rival the morning routine video. Charles seemed to think along the same lines, regretting that he let us into his room. The four of us were in the same situation now, a newly created fan page popping on the school forum dedicated towards Charles. Although Luke was better looking than Charles, he wasn't far behind, being distant relatives. I knew it was a part of the reason why Luke was closer to Charles than Allan who transferred into the other class.

I quickly sent a message to Miliana, explaining what happened. When I walked into the living room, I found her brightly smiling, clasping both of my hands to thank me. I have never seen her so happy and full of energy as she offered to bring us our meals from the cafeteria. I didn't hesitate to ask for some cakes for breakfast as she agreed to add tons of sugar to all the food. Miliana knew how I loved sweet things while Charles disliked them.

"Thank you so much," my eyes glittered at the plates she brought.

"I know you can't go out with your clothes gone," Miliana had poured an entire bag of sugar inside all the food.

"I can't believe you actually listened to what she wanted to eat," Charles could spot the sugar.

"Can I take your portion? We shouldn't waste food," I picked up a spoon.

When Luke took a bite of the yogurt, he frowned, knowing how much I would like it. I started off by eating the cakes before any of them could think of taking them away. Cake wasn't usually available in the mornings, showing how much extra effort Miliana put in to get them for me. Alex stopped eating after one bite of the closest plate to him, wondering how I could eat stuff like this. Charles was the same, washing the bite of porridge he ate with a large glass of water.

I ended up eating all their portions, feeling satisfied after I finished the last plate. I was struggling from the lack of adjustments to my food lately. I wondered how the three of them would survive through the rest of the day from eating so little. Implementing the rest of my plan, I asked Shelly to visit us. Fortunately, Luke wasn't suspicious of me when I asked Shelly and Miliana if they could share their school supplies with us.

Equally distributing everything they possessed, I hoped all of them would disappear the next morning, cancelling class in its place. Knowing what happened to Charles, Miliana seemed to know my plan. She gave me access to everything related to school, wanting to take a day off herself. I loved this stalker of mine, letting me take revenge without making anyone suspicious while giving me a chance to take an additional day to spend like the weekends.

I didn't complain even once as Luke conducted the usual study session with Shelly's school supplies. While everyone was a bit suspicious to see me so motivated to study, they didn't say anything. They didn't want to bring Luke's great mood down since Luke loved it when I worked hard to study without him pushing me.