"I tried to do everything I could for the people," Charlotte began to plead.
"Drag her to the town square!" The chef yelled.
I covered my mouth as I watched the worker and his colleague grab her arms to drag her out of the room. While Charlotte tried to resist, twisting and turning, it was no use against two adult males who trained every morning to kill her. She was in the mercy of the rebels, all of them painting her as the villain. Nobody liked an incompetent queen, having the image of living luxuriously while everyone else suffered.
I knew they weren't teleporting since they wanted her to suffer as much as possible. Once they let her go, the worker kicked Charlotte, making her eyes widen before she started to fall down the stairs right outside her room. I winced as I listened to her screaming, the rebels kicking her so she could continue rolling down once she stopped. There were twenty floors in this tower, making her journey very painful.
I teleported to the first floor, not wanting to see the brutal scene anymore. However, it wasn't long until she arrived on the ground floor, large purple bruises covering her everywhere. Charlotte wasn't able to move, her bones all broken. The worker took this chance to bind her wrist together, making sure she wouldn't be able to escape. Her former guards brightly smiled, opening the grand doors to reveal their queen.
"You shouldn't be watching this," the head maid tried to cover my eyes.
"Was everyone part of this?" I wondered.
"We had to make sure she finished her tray of food. We slipped in hints of poison so her powers would dull," she explained.
"Is her power this fearsome?" I turned to her once she uncovered my eyes.
"She killed my entire family in her childhood. While I was working in the capitol, she had caused a snowstorm in my hometown. The snowstorm was brutal enough to freeze everyone to their deaths," her voice wobbled.
"Why would she cause a snowstorm?" I needed an explanation.
"Our queen always had a hard time controlling her powers since she was born. Whenever her emotions got unstable, she would destroy an entire village. There's no one who lives in this kingdom who hasn't lost a family member due to her," the head maid revealed.
"Is this how she became the queen?" I predicted.
"The rest of the royal family became the victim of her powers," she nodded her head.
Without any choice, I found myself back in the central town square. I watched Charlotte walking on the stone archway above me. The rebels forced her to stand at the edge, thinking of pushing her so she would crash onto the ground. There were many people around me, forming an entire crowd of angry people. I pushed through the crowd, wanting to escape from viewing the entire event. I didn't have anything against her like the others.
"Why is there a guillotine?" I froze when I managed to move to the edge of the large crowd.
"We know our former queen will not die from a fall," a child brightly smiled.
"Please, you have to spare me. I have been doing my best for this kingdom. I have a plan to save us from the never-ending winters," Charlotte cried, interrupting us.
"How do you plan to save us?" One of the rebels yelled.
Charlotte briefly went silent to accept everyone's anger towards her. I wondered what she was planning inside her head. I couldn't pity Charlotte while I listened to all of her people's complaints. They were doing this rebellion with no other choice. Every one of her subjects had a valid reason to hate her.
"You killed all my relatives!"
"You made my children die from hunger!"
"I lost my arm due to you!"
"If you really want to save us, die for us!"
"We can enter a war! I have enough power to lead us to victory while stealing the fertile land from other kingdoms. We just need to work together," Charlotte answered them after hearing their complaints.
My jaw almost dropped from her insane solution. More people were going to die from her actions. How would a tribe of starving people fend against a kingdom that possessed proper knights with superior skills? Where would she get warriors to fight for her? Was she planning to conscript her own subjects into doom? The whole crowd went silent, not believing she was going to separate them from their families by force. The crowd soon began to rage from her reckless thoughts.
"Push her to quickly get it over it!"
"Our queen is not a human being!"
"She is not going to stop until she is the only one remaining in this land."
"Why? Why are you all against my solution? It's the best option we have," Charlotte trembled.
The air started to shake, the harsh winds getting more intense. It was like everyone knew a brutal snowstorm was coming. The clouds covered the sky, blocking the sunlight bringing in the last bits of warmth in their lands. All the torches went out, replaced with icy sticks. Everyone inside the crowd was going to die, the child shivering beside me. All the sudden, my surroundings went silent. When I slightly moved, I bumped into a statue. My eyes widened when I realized the statue was actually a frozen human being. Imprisoned inside an iced cage for its eternity, its expression painted with plain fear.
Was Charlotte still a human being? She looked down at all her frozen subjects, only caring about the approval on the idea of going to war. Her eyes were filled with her own selfishness as she waited, eventually yelling, "why are you not responding?"