Charlotte wondered why everyone wasn't responding to her. It resembled the time when her family suddenly stopped talking at the dining room table. She was filled with anger when her older brother, the crown prince, muttered she was the bringer of doom to their kingdom. The air instantly turned into frosty wind, freezing all her plates. Making her wonder why the temperature wasn't being properly regulated by the servants.
"Why are you not talking?" She poked her brother.
Strangely, her brother felt very cold while his heartbeat couldn't be heard. She didn't want to believe it was true. The same incident repeating from her nanny suddenly frozen from serving her breakfast in her room. Charlotte began to walk around the room, checking if everyone else was the same. But sadly, her eyes filled with tears when her entire family was covered by a thin sheet of ice. She didn't mean to kill them, nor her nanny who raised her for fifteen years.
Charlotte knew she had a tough time in controlling her powers, possessing the most mana in her family. The royal family usually had more than the nobles and normal civilians, being the reason everyone accepted them as their rulers. When crops started to fail, a single blessing from a member of the royal family could make a bountiful harvest for the entire village. Her father was an expert with the water element, bringing rain to areas that had a drought.
While her mother had the power to simulate growth in any kind of plant. Everyone supported the crown prince, having both the ability to simulate growth and bring rain to the land. The only reason they tolerated Charlotte, the person who destroyed most of their harvests. Charlotte was filled with guilt when looking down at the frozen crowd. Her emotions went more out of control, causing several tornados churning throughout her kingdom.
When she noticed her hands turning blue, she knew she was starting to freeze from her own power. There was no one but her inside this empty land anymore. She had desperately tried to restore everything on her own, going through all the past documents. Charlotte knew her subjects were starving, stopping her complaints about her poor food. She also didn't say anything when the nobles began to sell the royal family's possessions to feed her subjects.
Her head went numb, not feeling anything while her vision was filled with white sparkling snowflakes. She started to appreciate the view, the winter wonderland that everyone had despised. Crystals glimmered everywhere, replacing the people who tried to kill her. The whole place was so peaceful, the wind singing a song, the only sound drifting into her ears. While everything started to spin, she hoped her subjects who lived wouldn't hate her too much.
"You must have had many regrets," a fairy whispered in her ear.
"Why am I not dead?" She found herself in an odd space.
Charlotte found herself inside the beautiful rose garden. Something she had never experienced since her family's death. She didn't need her furry boots nor her thick cloak. Enjoying the warm sunlight, she took her boots and clothes off to discover the ground was very soft, better than the furry rugs. She had missed this tingling feeling, always filled with the emptiness, not able to save anything.
"We have decided to give you a second chance," the overseer explained.
"A second chance?" She wondered.
"A second chance at life," the overseer smiled.
"Will I be able to forget everything?" Charlotte didn't want to remember her death.
"We can partially grant your wish. Will you be alright if we send you to the future?"
"I don't mind," she wanted to live a new life.
This was how Charlotte found herself as a student in a prestigious school. She didn't know anything about herself, thrown into a round of intense classes without a break. Charlotte tried to follow what everyone else was doing, working hard to try to understand what the teachers were saying during class. But she struggled to be on the same grounds as the others, receiving failing grades for every exam.
Apparently, she had a partner, a boy that was the same age as her. However, he was cold towards her, pretending that she didn't exist. It was hard to mingle with her classmates, living in a shack far away from the main dorms. Charlotte felt lonely, everyone ignoring her when she attempted to talk to them. Sometimes, she overheard people gossiping about her, wondering which minor family she came from.
Until she watched a video posted on the school forum. A bright girl appeared on the screen, brilliantly dancing and posing to bring justice to the world. Magical girl Rika saved the world multiple times by defeating all the villains around her. Making Charlotte's heart beat faster as she looked at magical girl Rika easily solving everything she encountered. She wanted to become someone like her.
Magical girl Rika probably didn't struggle with making friends. Her heart was as beautiful as her appearance, making Charlotte wonder how magical girl Rika appeared in real life. She wished to know more about her, going through the spell book from class. Chanting to activate her wish, she mixed ten intermediate, twenty advanced and five basic spells together.
Somehow, she was good at creating new spells that had never existed before. A camera landed in her hands after she finished her chant. When she looked through the lens, she could see a beautiful young girl on the other side and her name was Rika.