"Can you return to the mansion with Rika to get ready for the next event?" Luke turned to Alex.
"I'll join you after I finish here," he didn't want me participating in their conversation.
"I planned everything," I blurted, feeling too guilty.
"I wanted to run away so I contacted some criminals to pretend to kidnap me," I avoided looking at them.
"That's not possible. They actually attempted to kill you if the kidnapping wasn't successful. The guns were loaded and many of their attacks would have landed on you if it wasn't for the barrier," Alex didn't believe my confession.
"Maybe they were from two separate organizations? The ones I contacted were clumsier," I recalled the poor team leader.
"There were five organizations. That's why they were fighting amongst themselves. The illusion just encouraged the process," Alex revealed.
I was shocked, finding the situation had been different from what I believed. Not everyone there had been from the organization. Maybe the team that my subordinate was talking about was the people who never entered the mansion grounds, making the team leader do almost everything in their place. The team leader never passed me to the man, he forcibly took me away from him. This meant the gunshot was not an accident, slowly piecing everything together in my head.
"The only person I knew was the person who used the dagger. His team were the ones who created the hole in the barrier," I confessed.
"This girl is crazy," the fraction leader mumbled.
My marble started to vibrate, showing it was coming from one of my subordinates. I swiped to accept the call, my former rival's face popping up, "we have heard you have returned. We sent the people from our branch offices to rescue the main team from the other organizations"
"How did the information leak out?" I wondered.
"Their target was different from ours. We managed to hack into their system and their target was the fiancée to the heir of the Roselia family. They have a contact from the neutral fraction and knew she would be attending this event today," he explained.
"Were they the ones who broke the barrier?" I recalled our organization kept on failing.
"They have a device to create a hole in the barrier. We planned to take advantage of our common goal to pretend to kidnap you once they used it," he nodded his head.
"Give bonuses to everyone in that team. Many of them lost their limbs," I wanted to compensate them for their efforts.
"We have another team ready to kidnap the fiancée to the heir of the Roselia family. We have her entire schedule for social week," he wanted my approval.
"And they got this from a contact from the neutral fraction?" I tried to confirm.
"They got it from a close relative of the current neutral fraction leader. We can try the same method next time. The current fraction leader handles information very carelessly," he laughed.
"I watched the entire fight. The other organizations are more prepared this round. We shouldn't participate in the fight until a close winner comes out," I suggested.
"Let us know when we should join them," he ended the call.
I didn't feel guilty towards the fraction leader and his partner anymore. This whole incident would have happened anyways without any interference on my end. They deserved to get that lawsuit, handling the documents carelessly. In fact, both of them froze, knowing the new situation was worse than its former one. Luke would have to adjust our entire schedule if we didn't want the same incident to repeat again.
"I didn't plan this," I took back my statement.
"It's their fault for revealing our entire schedule," I passed the blame onto them.
"Please let us know which documents you leaked," Luke pressured them.
"Your fiancée was the one who claimed to have planned this," the fraction leader tried to get out of this.
"She's the clear leader of criminals," he pointed out.
"My subordinates are better people than you who leak information everywhere!" I refuted.
"They're very weak since most are normal citizens of this district. If you don't tell us, I can call them again to figure out," I warned them.
"We apologize, everything about this social week got leaked, including the information about all our fraction members," his partner began to cry.
"You will be expecting several lawsuits in the next few days. I will be letting the rest of the members know and cancel the event as the next fraction leader for today," Luke rose from the couch.
"Do you want me to call them again?" I turned to them once we left the room.
"Who contacts criminals to kidnap them to run away from home?" Alex yelled at me.
"It's thanks to me that we know about the leak!" I shouted back.
"It would've happened anyways," I mumbled to add.
"Pass me your marble," Luke was furious.
"These criminals are good people. They're nicer than you," I hid my marble behind my back.
"Is there something going on?" Cillian walked towards us from the commotion.
"There was an information leak passed to major criminal organizations about all our members," Luke tightly grabbed my hand.
"I'll escort the guests out to help cancel the event for an emergency fraction meeting," Cillian spun to run.
"We're going to have a talk once we return to the mansion. You have to stop trying to run away," Luke decided handling this incident came first.