Same Past and Present (5)

"As the next fraction leader, I have already sent a message about the information leak. Do you have any additional questions?" Luke took the lead.

"Can you take the position as the fraction leader as of now?" One of them shouted.

"Unfortunately, the soonest I can take the role will be after social week," Luke declined her proposal.

"I can't believe our fraction leader revealed all of our schedules," a member was disgusted.

"That's how one of us almost got kidnapped," a person agreed.

"Look at all the blood on her dress," another member mumbled.

"I don't think I can attend any events anymore," Sienna tugged on Cillian's sleeve.

"None of us can. We'll have to cancel all of our events," Cillian shook from anger.

"What do you think of removing our present leader?" Delia suggested.

"We can have a vote right now," Luke created a survey, using his marble.

"This is ridiculous. How did he get elected as the fraction leader in the first place?" Alex commented on the disastrous mess.

I looked at Luke's screen, every single vote agreeing to remove the current fraction leader. Hearing everyone gossiping about their former leader, many of them planned to file their own lawsuits. I whispered into Luke's ear, not having many experiences with fractions, "are bigger fractions usually like this?"

"This is an exceptional case. No major fraction leader causes their entire fraction to fall apart. Your attempted kidnapping is not excusable," Luke started to write a report.

"With everyone's consensus, we will be cancelling all of our events for the rest of social week," he tried to finalize everything.

Nobody disagreed with Luke, watching all their efforts fly away. I knew how hard everyone from the neutral fraction worked for this week. Sienna complained about staying up some nights, trying to catch up on some sleep inside the club room. Meanwhile Luke was always toppled with never-ending work, being trained as the next fraction leader. Everyone's grudges against the former fraction leader increased, wanting to destroy some of the things inside the mansion.

"Can we add to your current lawsuits?" Delia burned with revenge.

"We can group them together if you send me a message from your lawyers," Luke announced.

Once the discussion was finished, I stepped into the hover car returning to the mansion. Unexpectedly, a call came from Ben, the main family leading the neutral fraction. Luke swiped the air to accept, explaining everything before Ben could say anything. He was disappointed in Ben who allowed such a person to be eligible as a candidate. Ben was stunned, the silence consuming the car for several minutes.

"I'm adding to that lawsuit. Our entire fraction will have to spend many years to recover from this incident," Ben almost slammed the table.

"Your fraction is a mess," Alex agreed.

"I will have to tell Alice that we can't have any of her relatives continue to influence the fraction anymore," Ben revealed the reason our former fraction leader was a candidate.

"What do you think of joining? We can offer you a powerful position. We are second cousins," he suggested to Alex.

"Send me everything you're willing to offer through a document," Alex knew they wanted help.

"I'll send it within today," Ben ended the call.

We quickly arrived inside the mansion grounds, both Luke and Alex busy with trying to adjust their schedules while messaging others. I watched the order of events almost get reversed, finding myself going to Yulee's mansion in about an hour. Reading some of the replies, many fraction leaders decided to focus on increasing the security instead of focusing on the guests. As soon as I entered the mansion, I heard some clicks like everything was locking by itself.

"Can you tell us why you're intent on running away?" Luke gestured to me to enter the living room.

"I didn't want to live with Alex. I thought anything would be better than living with him," I answered under the pressure.

"Is that your only reason?" Luke was referring to all the other times I ran away.

"I wanted to travel. I'm sick of staying in one place all the time. I don't want to stay in mansions anymore," I wanted my days of freedom back.

"You confiscate everything. All those entertainment devices from books to games. You always burn them," I squeezed the edges of the sofa.

"You're telling us that you will always try to run away since we can't give you any of those things," he already knew the gist of what I wanted.

"Who wouldn't want to run away?" I mumbled.

"I don't want to confine you Rika, but if you're telling us that you'll continue to try to run away, I don't have any other choice," he held the power.

"If you left one gaming console or entertainment device, I wouldn't try to run away," I hated the amount of control they possessed.

"You let me use them inside the club room," I argued.

"This conversation is ridiculous. You're basically running away since you want more toys," Alex joined in.

"Most of them aren't even considered to be close to toys and you say everything is for the Roselia family," I began to raise my voice.

"I want out. I want to return home to the third district. I don't care about power and money. I can happily live without them," I let my feelings out.