"Oh Heaven... Why is this happening to me!?"

"I am Chen Zhilong from Beijing Television Channel. Mr. Shen, I have heard from your fellow classmates that you are able to lift up a car, and you can break a 10-inch wood with one gaze of yours. Can you please show us your prowess as a cultivator and tell us how you became a cultivator?" Chen Zhilong politely asked.

"WHAT? You are from a TV channel!? I thought my classmates only told the Newspaper Company!! Why are you here!? And who said I can lift up a car and break the 10-inch wood with my gaze??" Shen Long scowled angrily while shaking on the inside.

"Your classmates didn't inform us. A teacher from Hanwu Academy, I think he's called Zhou Laoshi, told us about your almighty power! He even said you showed your cultivation base in front of him!" Report Chen respectfully answered, looking at Shen Long.

"Zhou Laoshi... What have I done to offend you... Since when did I become that powerful?? All I did was lifting your f***ing cactus plant on your desk... If you didn't want to bet with me, fine! You didn't have to... If one whole term of skipping homework was too much, we could have negotiated... Why?????????? Heaven!!! Save me!!!" Shen Long was on the verge of a mental breakdown as he cursed inwardly.

Shen Long hurriedly started structuring an excuse in his head, using all the knowledge he learnt from light novels and school. He uncontrollably started sweating, to the point where sweat started dripping from his head.

"Mr. Shen?" Reporter Chen asked as his entire news reporting team patiently stood.

"SHUT UP!" Shen Long shouted, mustering all his Qi and strength. Although the Second Level of Qi Condensation is fairly weak, his loudness was enough to make a mortal shiver. Shen Long was already scared shitless, the news reporter put him under even more pressure.

Reporter Chen shook as he expeditiously covered his ears with his hands. This was the same for every other person who was near Shen Long.

Reporter Chen, however, did not become scared. His eyes started brimming with light, and he became even more respectful towards Shen Long.

"I must be the first to report this news! With this, I can probably get a shit ton of BONUS and can get myself the new GPhone X!" Reporter Chen secretly thought.

(** I am trying to avoid any copyright problems ~ just in case!)

After 5 minutes or so, Shen Long finally calmed down and he smiled with confidence again.

"Sorry Reporter! I got a sudden enlightenment just now, and I couldn't quite control my emotions as, you know, these chances rarely come! I will explain to you all how I embarked on the journey of cultivation."

"I was once an ordinary mortal like you all. But I had always believed that I had talents for cultivation. Hence, I decided to, every day, meditate in the forest to absorb the spiritual energy of the World. Of course, it didn't work immediately; but after years and years of attempts, the heaven was moved by my dedication, and hence bestowed me with an almost negligible cultivation base." Shen Long paused slightly as he remembered Zhou Laoshi taught him that pausing in a speech would add credibility to it. He felt proud as he finally, for once, used the skills he learnt in English Class.

"A spark of lightning suddenly descended from the sky that night, and it struck me. That apparently was the heavenly tribulation. I still remember the pain this very day. However, that granted me a spark of Qi, which allows me to manipulate objects. I always wanted to keep a low profile, and hence did not reveal this until this very day." Shen Long confidently said as he looked towards the sky as if he was telling the truth.

"Big Bro Long! That's not what you told me just now! Didn't you say you grasped the Dao..." Song Wang'er suddenly said though she was quickly interrupted by Shen Long.

"Shhhhhhh!!! I will tell you why I lied to you later!!!" Shen Long whispered quietly to Song Wang'er. Wang'er was about to continue speaking, but then seeing Shen Long's scared shitless face, she nodded hesitantly.

Meanwhile, everyone stared at the duo with curiosity as everyone heard what Song Wang'er said.

Shen Long gave Song Wang'er a meaningful look, telling her to explain to the public.

Song Wang'er sighed softly and spoke.

"I was talking about how Big Bro actually told me that he is able to freeze the area around him. He said he had a "negligible" cultivation base and I just wanted to correct him and tell everyone the truth!" Song Wang'er exclaimed as she looked towards Shen Long.

"Thank god! I almost got exposed!! WAIT?? FREEZING THE AREA AROUND ME? WHAT!?? I CAN AT MOST LIFT A CHAIR!! FREEZING THE AREA AROUND ME!???? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!" Shen Long's face flickered with two completely different emotions.

For a moment, he was brimming with joy as Song Wang'er helped him cover up his lies. Now, he rather Song Wang'er didn't speak at all...

"So Zhou Laoshi said I can LIFT A CAR... And NOW YOU SAY I CAN FREEZE THE AREA... AND I SAID I CAN WITHSTAND THUNDER... They really are gonna dissect my body now... I am still 16..." Shen Long cried inwardly as if he really got struck by the thunder from the heaven tribulation.

"Ah Mr. Shen! You really are amazing! I am going to properly interview you now! Camerman, prepare for LIVE interview in 5 minutes!"

As the crew prepares for the interview, Shen Long started sweating even more.

"As long as they don't tell me to show them my cultivation, I should be fine..." Shen Long prayed to the heavens.

"OK! Mr. Shen! Live in 5, 4, 3, 2,1! Today, I have got the pleasure to be with Mr. Shen Long. Believe it or not, he is actually a cultivator! Just now, he demonstrated us his powerful cultivation base with his shout. I, Chen Zhilong, first-hand experienced his prowess! Mr. Shen, can you please tell us how you became a cultivator?"

"Thanks for your praise, Reporter Chen. I was once a mortal like all of you..."

Shen Long recited the exact same thing he told to the reporter just now on the Television. This time, he seemed even more confident though he was seriously frightened on the inside.

"As you all have heard, Mr. Shen Long, really does wield tremendous power. Mr. Shen, will you please demonstrate your ability to freeze the area around you, as your girlfriend said earlier?"Reporter Chen asked while smiling towards Shen Long, seeking his approval.

"Hahaha... Haha... Haha... Freeze the area... Hahahaha... Hahaha..." Shen Long, by now, had gone completely crazy. He had lost it. Absolutely. Lost. It.

"I, em..." Shen Long was about to make up some random excuses but he was interrupted by Song Wang'er.

"Who said I'm his girlfriend? That's really impolite! He is my Big Brother! He is my best friend, not his girlfriend!! Please don't be mistaken!" Wang'er shouted loudly as the camera pointed towards her beautiful face.

Shen Long started laughing in an even more bizarre and crazy manner.

"Best friend... Best friend..." Shen Long started muttering these two words over and over again.

Today was definitely not a good day for Shen Long. Not only was he about to be exposed by the news reporter, not only was he worried about being dissected by the scientists, he was even friendzoned by Song Wang'er...

"Oh Heaven... Why is this happening to me!?"

Meanwhile, Shen Long was still LIVE on TV, and he was laughing in a... very special way.