Searching around, there really isn't a single piece of clothing suitable for him to wear. After all, clothes won't descend from the heaven just because he is favoured by the essence of the World and grasped a portion of a Dao.

He quickly dashed towards his locker, utilizing his full cultivation base as well as the power of the Dao, to wear his PE kit that he left in school. His speed was greatly improved after reaching half-step Foundation Establishment, and this left everyone stunned again.

"Holy hell! This guy!! Seems like even 10 Usain Bolts can't beat him in a sprint!" One of Shen Long's classmate said.

"Hmph! Of course! He is, after all, a friend of MINE! Me, Luo Dafei, had always been his brother, and I had always known his potential. Don't compare an Olympian to my big brother!! He is a CULTIVATOR MAN~~~. A mere mortal? Hmph. You're looking down to my brother YO." Dafei said in his usual gangster tone.

Dafei who was laughing at Shen Long a while ago completely changed his attitude. He even started bragging to his friends about how they had been best friends since a long time ago.

This society had always respected the strong and Dafei was no exception. Dafei was now Shen Long's Number 1 Fan as Dafei, secretly, was also a light novel fan who loves cultivator.

Shen Long got dressed and sprinted back in less than 20 seconds. Shen Long did not feel any tiredness, nor he felt his heart pumping faster. But he definitely felt the embarrassment from the news reporter.

He, however, did not start shaking, neither was he scared shitless like he always was. His mind was actually clear despite facing the camera that was live on TV. This is all due to the soul transformation, which improved his consciousness drastically.

Quickly organized his thoughts, he started smiling at the news reporter. All he could do now was to act normal about being completely naked on LIVE. Ultimately, he couldn't do anything about it.

"Hello, Reporter Chen. I believe just now you witnessed the sudden change of weather and my clothes being burnt. Please do not take offence. I didn't do it on purpose, but I had a sudden enlightenment." Shen Long said with sincerity as he truly did feel sorry for Reporter Chen.

"No problem. I am sure you have all witnessed the phenomenon just now, and the news that there is now a cultivator in our country is definitely genuine. I would like to ask you, Mr. Shen, why you chose to embark on the journey of cultivation?" Reporter Chen reported in a professional manner, showing no signs of panic.

"I had always loved cultivators in the past. You can call me stubborn and naive, but I had always believed that we, humans, were once cultivators. I had always questioned the purpose of our lives as everyone would age and die in this modern society. I believe that Heaven would not do that as that is pointless. There must be a way to overcome this shackle of immortality and here I am today, proudly announcing that I will be the first in this modern world - to become the first cultivator!" Shen Long spoke with confidence and royalty as what he spoke was genuinely true.

Now that Shen Long no longer had to make up random excuses, he could finally speak from his heart. His cultivation now was indeed strong enough to lift a car, to freeze the area around him, and even control (to an extent) some water.

"I may not be the strongest cultivator, nor I may be strong enough to change the world. But I would definitely share my experience with the country and with the entire world. If anyone is willing to become a cultivator like me, please tell me and I will unhesitantly guide you to become one." He continued to speak while brimming with joy.

Suddenly, his brain thought of an excellent idea to showcase his talent and prowess in front of Song Wan'er. He suddenly said...

"I don't have many requests for you, but you must promise that you will use your cultivation to benefit the whole mankind. Justice and Equality, we must all strive to achieve these! No one should be discriminated against - and this is because we are all equal. I am just the same as you all, I won't abuse my power and I will try my best to make this world a better place!" Shen Long said while inwardly chuckling.

"I really got much smarter... Didn't I??? Now, how could Song Wang'er reject me after seeing my heroic side!?"

"Thank you Mr. Shen. I believe everyone heard Mr. Shen Long's words. This is the end of the LIVE interview. I am Chen Zhilong, from Beijing TV and thank you for watching." Reporter Chen signalled the cameraman to end the LIVE broadcast as he said to the camera.

The camera team started packing up busily, and people watching the LIVE interview started leaving. Shen Long stood there, staring around.

"The f***? That's it? What???? I am a cultivator man!!?? That's all I get!? What do I do now!? Do I leave?? F*** it. I will just sit down and meditate, and act like a cultivator." Shen Long inwardly cursed.

In Shen Chun's office...

"Guys! GUYS! That's my son!! Look, isn't he cool!? He really inherited all my genes!! Come LOOK! Doesn't he have great morals? Listen to his speech at the end. Seeking equality!! You hear that? This is all because of me. I taught him all these morals. Ain't I awesome!?" Shen Chun started bragging towards his co-workers.

(Isn't this scene a bit similar? Shen Chun behaved in the exact same way as Dafei did. Meanwhile, he was the one who told Shen Long to keep a low profile. But of course, he completely forgot that. After all, he also enjoyed being praised by others. Just like Shen Long.)

"Oh really!? He's your son!? On the television?" The Boss asked as he walked out of the room.

"Yeah!! BOSS! Isn't he awesome! You are watching as well!? I can get you a signature from him if you want!!" Shen Chun grasped this opportunity to show-off again. However, he said with modesty and respect as it's his boss after all.

"Yeah! Maybe you should stop watching the TV while you are at work!" Boss suddenly changed face, and shut the door.

"Arrr shit... I forgot... I was too excited..." Shen Chun said while he looked down. He was embarrassed, and he had lost face in front of all his colleagues...


"Oh wait. He's a cultivator now... There's no way I can whip him..." Shen Chun grew more disappointed as he recalled Shen Long's strength.