Chen Dazhong

"The Dao of Balance really is mysterious, yet it makes perfect sense. Plants require sunlight for photosynthesis and survival, but excessive sunlight would damage and kill the plant. We, humans, require heat energy to survive, yet too much heat would denature our cells." Shen Long sighed as he admired the creator of the universe.

The natural laws of the universe were already profound enough, hence, the creator of the universe must be even more unfathomable. Despite Shen Long was taught that everything started from the Big Bang from approximately 13.6 billion years ago, he had never believed it. Even if the theory was true, surely the matter from the explosion must be created. Matters and energy must be "created" by someone, and hence Shen Long had always believed that there's an omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient creator in this universe, slowly watching over him and the World.

Shen Long started to understand the Dao of Balance more as he continued staring into the sky until the Sun appeared again.

"Everything in the universe is already in the state of balance. Death is not the end, but actually the start of a new cycle... Hence, no mortals will live forever, as the laws of the universe require the perfect balance between lives and deaths. So... cultivators are actually ruining the balance in the universe? If a cultivator is immortal, then he will never return to the essence of the world... Cultivating Qi is so difficult because energy is being created, though the universe laws state that energy cannot be created or destroyed. So cultivators are actually comprehending the Daos, and thus breaking through the limits of the Daos..." Shen Long was even more confused as he thought about it more and more.

"That's not possible though... Comprehensing the Dao would increase your prowess because the cultivators' understanding towards the laws of the universe increased... But if every advancement in cultivation is actually weakening the Dao and breaking it... Then does that mean eventually the cultivator would create a new Dao, and destroy the old!? I have never heard of anything like this before in this world... nor from any light novels I read in the past. That's impossible...."

On the verge of going insane, he decided to pause his thought and cultivation, to return to his little hut. As it was already the morning, he chose to visit the dining hall in the palace immediately. Although a cultivator could survive by absorbing the essence of the World, many still chose to eat as they simply enjoyed the process of eating.

As he stood by the entrance, the aroma of food flushed into his nose, making him gulp continuously. However, he did not immediately enter the hall to order food. This was because every disciple had to pay for their food. The currency in Daoist Fireblade's palace was not money, but some oval-shaped blue crystals. Without a doubt, Shen Long was broke as hell as he arrived just yesterday.

As Shen Long fought against his urge to rob a lower-rank disciple, he remembered Senior Sister Qingyu's words.

"If you have any questions, you can come find me, and I will try my best to help!"

Shen Long's eyes lit up as he started walking to Qingyu's resident. He knocked on the wooden door lightly, not forgetting his manners.

"Senior Sister Qingyu, what's the currency in this palace? Every disciple seemed to have a pocket, filled with some blue crystals... And I have none. Don't misunderstand, Senior Sister; I just want to find out some information about the currency here and how we can obtain it." Shen Long politely asked though he desperately hoped that Qingyu would donate him some money to buy some food...

"You don't need to be so courteous towards me! I should have explained it yesterday, so it's my fault that you have no idea about the currency here. In this realm, spirit stones, those blue crystals you mentioned earlier, are the most common currency here. There are some unofficial ones, but they are barely used, especially in this palace. Your senior sister, I, have a lot of spirit stones, so just take this bag. There should be about ten thousands spirit stones inside this storage ring, and it will be enough for you for a long period of time. When you run out, you can simply apply for some missions, and they will reward you with spirit stones!" Qingyu spoke as she handed Shen Long a half transparent, green ring.

Shen Long was inwardly ecstatic as his plan succeeded. Ten thousand spirit stones, however, is an extremely big lump of money. Most cultivators in Demigod level would not even have a thousand spirit stones, much less ten thousand. Shen Long would probably feel extremely guilty after he found out, but right now - he was brimming with joy.

"Wow, these spirit stones look so familiar... Where have I seen this on Earth!? OH! I remember! It's from the "Webnovel" App!! The blue spirit stones, to unlock chapters... Oh wow. This really brings back memories! Wait... what if there are red and yellow stones in this realm as well!? If they are called power and energy stone... How cool would it be!? I remember that back on Earth... A wise author once said that using power stones to vote for a novel called CMW would grant the reader great fortune... I should have tested it out when I was still on Earth..." Shen Long thought to himself, filled with regret.

(Guys, don't be like Shen Long. I am not too sure myself, but I think using your power stones on this novel will grant you great fortune :)

*I feel so shameless...)

Shen Long thanked Qingyu and sprinted into the dining hall. He immediately ordered basically everything on the menu, which caught the attention of other disciples. As the food arrived, his table was filled with dishes, as well as gazes of others.

"Holy hell! Who is this guy!? This meal would cost at least one spirit stone... Just who is he!? Even though he is a personal disciple of Master, it is still impossible that a Saint would have so much spirit stone to spare!" Other disciples murmured as their eyes stared with envy and jealousy.

However, there was one disciple who was different from others. He started approaching Shen Long, while throwing him a deadly, cold glare. Shen Long was slightly afraid as he saw the guy's face drawing closer.

Suddenly, the man went on his knees and started kowtowing on the ground.

"My dear Senior brother, can you please spare your Junior some food!? I haven't eaten any food for almost 2 months as I don't have a single spirit stone to spare! I, Chen Dazhong, will be forever thankful for your gratitude today if you just share me some food!" Dazhong, dressed in an orange robe, begged in front of everyone in the hall.

"Dazhong is it? There's no need to be this formal! Come, come eat with me! I think I ordered too much anyway, and there's no way I can finish all this! Plus, you don't have to call me Senior Brother. Judging from your energy fluctuation, your cultivation level is even higher than mine! Let's just be friends as I don't know a single person here..." Shen Long was surprised at the sudden change of event, but he truly didn't mind sharing his food with him. Plus, he really was in need of a companion.

"I, Dazhong, will be forever thankful for your kindness. From this day onwards, you are my brother in life! If you need a hand on anything, just tell me! I will definitely do it if it is within my capacities. But right now, I won't be polite then! Lets' eat!" He said in a carefree manner though his sincerity could be felt.

The duo continued to chat as the food on the table slowly reduced to nothing, while their bellies had gotten crazily big.

"I am serious, Shen Long. If you need any help, Just tell me right now! I will do anything!" Dazhong said as he wrapped his arms around Shen Long's shoulder.

"Oh? You pay for this meal then! Thanks, brother!" Shen Long smirked as he jokingly said.

Dazhong wasn't sure whether to cry or laugh after hearing Shen Long.