Shen Long's first weapon!! Or... not yet!?

"Fine, kid. That's my job to begin with anyway... I was just... Whatever." The Guardian said lazily as he was unintentionally exposed by Shen Long. He quickly examined the three swords as he held them each in their hands. He analysed each sword in a one practised movement, bending each sword against his chest, checking its tenacity while gripping the hilt in the other hand.

"The first sword [Icefrost Blade] holds tremendous offensive power. It can penetrate through most armour, hence it is one of the deadliest weapon available here. The only problem is that this sword can only neglect physical defense, and it doesn't take in account of Qi protecting the cultivator. So, if your enemy's cultivation level of Qi is higher than yours, then this sword would be rendered useless. But with this, you can easily chop through fiends in the outside world as they don't practise Qi."

The [Icefrost blade] is covered with patterns of snowflakes in a crystalline-white colour. The actual blade itself is mostly transparent though it glowed slightly in light-blue. The hilt was wrapped with sapphire-blue metallic thread. The entire sword emitted a murderous, frigid aura, despite its elegant appearance. As Shen Long touched the sword, a tingling sense of coldness transmitted from his finger tip to his entire body. His Qi froze immediately after being in contact with the sword.

Although the sword usually had no effect on Qi, it was a different story for cultivators in Saint Realm. The [Icefrost Blade] was a sword of a much higher caliber, where its full prowess could only be unleashed by Celestial Immortals though Demigods could still use the sword. As a personal disciple, Shen Long had the privilege to choose a high quality sword as he was a personal disciple of Fireblade.

The Guardian of the Library recommended Shen Long to choose one earlier on, as his affinity towards the sword would grow as they spent time together. A weapon was almost like a pet. The more time you spent with them, the greater the understanding and control you would have. Hence, binding the sword to Shen Long in Mid Saint Realm is most suitable time as it was the minimum standards of claiming a sword of this quality.

"The second sword [Radiant Sword] is suited towards cultivators who enjoyed fighting undead monsters. This sword was crafted by one of the legendary blacksmiths - Immortal Aezir. This sword can constantly emit bright, holy light, which can weaken most undead monsters. For a person who wills to bring peace, slaughter all evils, end all sufferings, this sword would be extremely suitable. If you, however, have no interest in doing so, this sworld would definitely not recognize you as the owner, even with my help."

"Well. It seems like this one definitely won't suit me then. Pass." Shen Long inwardly thought while keeping a serious face, pretending to be examining the sword. He tried to copy the Guardian's posture and movement, anchoring the hilt against his chest, bending the sword slightly. Although he had no idea what he was doing, he assumed that he would look a bit more knowledgable. The Guardian stared at him with a bizarre look.

"This kid... Does he really think I'm blind!? I feel ashamed to be here... How on Earth did he persuade Fireblade to accept him as a disciple? A personal disciple even!?? It's a shame I am not allowed to use any of my strength against any of the disciples here unless they violate the rules... Or else he would be dead a long time ago... Hmph!" The Guardian thought to himself as he continued to gaze at Shen Long.

"Here is the third sword. Well, this is actually a pair of twinswords. Its name is [Yin-yang Twinswords] and it is extremely beneficial for cultivators who planned on grasping a Heavenly Dao. Especially for you, if you truly wish to challenge yourself and embark on the Dao of Balance, this would undoubtedly be the most suitable for you. However, if you have never used a sword before, it may be very difficult for you to use them."

"One sword is already hard enough for people with no prior experience. For you... it may not be the best choice. Even though it suits you a lot in terms of the Dao, you are very likely to fail if you use twinswords for combat. I suggest you to just choose one from the first two swords. I'm sure, as a personal disciple, Fireblade would probably give you another opportunity to receive swords... Maybe a higher level one even. You must learn the fundamentals of a sword first, otherwise using twinswords would be a complete disaster." The Guardian sincerely said, despite he absolutely hated Shen Long. After all, he was a professional and he wouldn't go as far as harming Fireblade's disciples.

Unexpectedly, Shen Long actually agreed with the Guardian this time. Shen Long was well aware of the importance of the basics. As the idiom goes, "We must learn to walk before we can run", and it was the same principle here. Well, Shen Long had no choice, but to choose the Icefrost Blade now. He knew for a fact that he wasn't suited to the [Radiant Sword], as he would never risk his own life, just for justice.

"Thanks for your detailed explanation and advice, Senior. I guess I will take the first - [Icefrost Blade] then. I hope that you will also teach me some basics of using a sword, as I really have no experience on swords at all. The Guardian from the library gave me the manual, [Melodies of Nine Sole Swords], before, and that's all I have in terms of guidance." Shen Long pleaded as he asked politely.

The Guardian was actually quite surprised at Shen Long's choice. He never expected Shen Long to be this obedient, and actually listened to his suggestions. His opinions towards Shen Long improved slightly, but... If he had the chance to beat his ass, he definitely would.

"Very well. Here is your [Icefrost Blade]. I will personally demonstrate you a few, basic moves of the sword. Here are few points you should always remember as a swordsman. You should always stay patient and observant before you strike. When you do strike, you have to be merciless, fast and exact. Your strikes have to be spot-on and fierce; you should strive to be in control of every fight, be the dominant one. You need to control your own tempo, and restrain your emotions while your fight. When your emotions take control over your body, you will not be able to control your sword.

These are just general points that you should always remember as a swordsman. Every swordsman would have their own style, so I shall not speak too much about specific things. You and I would walk down a very different path, even if it's all part of the Sword Dao. Kid, work hard. When you reach Celestial Immortal Level, I'm sure your master will award you by giving you a supreme treasure... Ignore that. There's no point in telling you so early anyway." The Guardian ended after giving Shen Long a few general tips.

"Now, I'll aid you in the binding process. It's extremely difficult for a Saint to forcefully bind a peak Earth treasure. After all, it's meant for Celestial Immortals to use. When you channel your Qi inside the sword, make sure you are channeling it in a steady pace. Even if the sword tries to act against it or you feel uncomfortable, just continue doing it. I will also transmit some of my Qi to you temporarily to aid the "taming" process." The Guardian instructed Shen Long clearly as they teleported into a small room.

In the middle of the room, there stood a slightly elevated platform with the [Icefrost blade] on top. The aura of the room was cold and slightly spooky, as there was barely any light shining in. As the Guardian instructed, Shen Long started the taming process by cultivating his Qi manual as he gathered all his Qi together.

The lights in the room suddenly lighted up as Shen Long's Qi was now at his maximum.

"Very well! Here it begins!" The Guardian said as a blue coloured Qi diffused into Shen Long's body. Shen Long was ready to dispose his Qi at anytime. Just as he was about to start, a loud voice rang across the black, mysterious room.

"Stop immediately! Shen Long! What did I tell you last time!? I told you to meet me after a month! Did you forget about that!?"

Upon hearing that, Shen Long immediately realised who this voice belonged to. And... He knew he f**ked up. Again.