Reunion (1)

Trying to be as respectful as possible, he spoke formally, hoping to shut everyone up. Shen Long didn't even get a chance to speak just now, as everyone jumped into conclusion immediately.

"Everyone, I did prepare a gift. I, in fact, actually invented this tool. This is a compass, and it is used to find directions. The needle - here, look closely - will always point to the north. The concept behind it is slightly complicated, so I won't go over it in details. Since our maps have no directions and they are only based on "left and right", this can benefit everyone here!" Shen Long excitedly said as he demonstrated the compass to everyone.

The instrument looked like a toy, as Shen Long was such basic materials. Quickly charging the needle through friction, he put the pin in the container, filled with water. As expected, the needle pointed in a direction, north. Shen Long assumed that the gravitational force field functioned the same way as it did on Earth.

Well, even Shen Long was wrong, no one would find out anyway. So Shen Long proudly assumed the direction was north. Waiting for others' applause as he thought that his own idea was excellent, no one seemed to have understood what Shen Long. They all looked extremely confused, and Shen Long was shocked after seeing their reactions.

"F*ck. I thought cultivators are meant to be smart. You don't even understand what I just said? Not looking down on you guys, but you all really can't compare to me in terms of intelligence." Shen Long thought to himself. If anyone present knew what he was thinking, they will probably cough out a mouthful blood and beat Shen Long up.

"Junior Brother, you're right. Our maps really need improving. But what exactly is "North"? We know what a direction is, as well as left and right. However, we have never heard of the term "north" at all. Please educate us!" A personal disciple said as others nodded, showing their agreements.

Shen Long wanted to roll his eyes, but he refrained himself. He didn't expect that there wasn't even cardinal directions in the cultivation world. Shen Long patiently explained to them, starting from the fundamentals of directions, then went on to explain the purpose of a compass.

"So there are four main cardinal directions: North, east, south, and west. North is always the opposite of the south, and it's always perpendicular to east and west. Theses cardinal directions will never change, and this is why we need to use these directions, instead of using left and right. Qingyu, please stand up and face against me. Please point to the left!"

"Do you see the problem? Even though we are both pointing to the left, we are clearly pointing in a different direction. But if I say, point to the north; we will both point towards the same direction no matter which way we face! A compass helps us find where North is, and from that, you can figure out all four directions. How simple is that?" Shen Long was impressed at his own explanation. This was how he learned directions in primary school, and he just copied his teacher's way to teach his seniors.

He didn't bother explaining how the compass worked as the concept behind it was too complicated. It required knowledge of magnetism and gravity, and Shen Long was sure that none of his Seniors would have heard of them. Explaining that to them would just tire Shen Long out, and that would definitely be a suicidal mission.

Everyone nodded in approval as they gave Shen Long a round of applause. Daoist Fireblade revealed a smile on his face, and it was obvious that he liked the idea of a compass very much. Shen Long felt shameless as he basically just claimed somebody's work as his own. He apologized inwardly to the creator of the compass.

As Shen Long was the last person to present their gifts, the event had finally finished. Daoist Fireblade had yet to decide on the winner, but no one really cared about the results anyway. They continued to chat until disciples started rushing in. Within a blink of an eye, the banquet hall was filled with people, except the section where the personal disciples were seated.

Daoist Fireblade's friends also started coming in one by one, and Shen Long could feel their overwhelming aura that fluctuated out of their body. The majority of them spoke to Shen Long as they wanted to find out why Daoist Fireblade took him in as a disciple. However, they didn't find Shen Long special at all. Daoist Fireblade had done a good job - to keep everything secret. He definitely wouldn't allow Shen Long to be snatched by others.

Everyone continued to chat and drink until the point where everyone was basically drunk. Shen Long's seniors kept persuading to drink while he repeatedly declined. Shen Long couldn't be bothered with them anymore, so he decided to take a stroll outside.

Shen Long was actually quite disappointed. Even with such an outstanding "innovation", all he received was praise. He wasn't longing for rewards either. He just wanted MORE praise from his seniors and Master. He didn't mind contributing some of his knowledge from the modern world to help others, but he wanted more fame.

Shen Long loved to be in the limelight. To him, receiving praises and attention from everyone was quite an important matter. Of course, becoming stronger and protecting his loved ones were still his main goals. He wouldn't sacrifice his cultivation nor his morals for fame neither. He knew what things to prioritize, and he could differentiate what he needed and what he wanted.

Surprisingly, there were actually a few people like Shen Long, who decided to leave the banquet hall. Shen Long wondered if he would meet Chen Mei here, just like those bullsh*t light novels back on Earth. Shen Long wished that he would have some OP plot armour, but it seemed like it was all his imaginations...

Suddenly, Shen Long saw a long-haired girl who shared similar features with Chen Mei. Shen Long was excited as he started working towards her.

"Maybe I really do have some OP plot armour! Hahhahha. I'm no different to MCs in light novels. Not only that I basically transmigrated, I also have some bullsh*t luck! Hahahaha. Call me MC Long!!!" Shen Long was ecstatic just by this simple coincidence. Back on Earth, he always wished to be like the main character of light novels or animes. Now that he (thought) he was one, he couldn't help but laugh.

Just as he was about to greet Chen Mei, the girl turned around. Shen Long's eyes almost popped out as his jaw dropped. Shen Long's imaginations were immediately shattered and he attempted to slowly run away from her.

"The f*ck!? That's not even a girl! It's actually just a guy who has long hair... where is my plot armour!?? Forget about her - no, his - hair... How can one's face be this ugly!? I would rather stare at my mother's cooking than your face...."

"Hey Bro, were you looking for me just now?" The guy said as he put his hands on Shen Long's shoulder. Despite his ugly appearance, he sounded quite friendly. His voice was quite gentle; at the same time, it sounded quite familiar as well. Shen Long turned around as he checked his face again.

"It's you!? What happened to you... you didn't look this ugly before... Am I dreaming!?" Shen Long couldn't believe who he just met again.