An Author's Apology / Announcement

(Sick alliteration, by the way)

Jokes aside, I have some rather disappointing news for you all. (Perhaps positive, too.)

**NOVEL IS NOT DROPPED, READ ON** < Don't worry.

If you are on the Discord Channel, you would have heard this already, but for the majority of you, it's probably some news.

If you guys haven't noticed already, the release rate of the book had decreased significantly last week. I am terribly sorry about it, and I understand that it's extremely irresponsible for me to do that.

Please listen to the reason behind all this.

1. Writing takes up too much of my time - and it really is NOT rewarding. Since I am not contracted and the website is completely free-to-use, I don't earn a single dollar from writing. Money, however, isn't really my incentive to write. I started writing because I enjoyed it, because I wanted to try something new. Undoubtedly, I had a lot of fun writing for the first volume, and for the majority of the time. Spending 2-5 hours daily on writing was completely fine by me, and I enjoyed it very much.

However, after attending a summer camp, I realized how time consuming this was. 2-5 hours daily are a LOT of time. Instead of writing, I could have been doing many more things - to improve my academics, to do sports... Since I'm a student, I have quite a lot to worry about, and a lot of things are time-consuming. Especially when writing really has zero benefits, I don't really know if I can afford to spend this long on writing anymore, when school restarts again.

I still love this novel, and I'm unwilling to drop it. Even for free, I would write and finish this novel. I made this promise with some of you readers before, and I will not go back to my words. I need to "reset" my mindset before writing again. So here is one reason.

2. I feel like the story is somewhat getting worse in terms of ideas and writing quality. Although my grammar was never flawless and perfect, the writing (generally) is decent. As an amateur writer, I believe that my writing quality is quite good (arrogant Leaf). However, I've been out of ideas recently, and I don't know how I should continue it. More importantly, I don't know how to fix the current issue, and I need some time to think through this.

3. Accumulations of negative feelings - This isn't the first time that I wanted to take a break. At various points, I even wanted to drop the novel. However, after reading your comments, I decided to continue writing. It worked fine for the first few times, but I'm really out of ideas at the moment. I was too embarrassed to ask for breaks before, and I certainly don't want to drop my novel.

Thank you for reading this rant. Until I start posting again, this post will not be removed. I request a break, and CMW will definitely NOT be dropped. The quality should also improve, so it should be beneficial for you readers too.

I am thankful for all of you, spending your time to read my novel. I really appreciate you guys' support for the novel. You guys are the reason for why I write. I really care about you all. Believe it or not. Leave me some comments, be it good or bad. I read everyone of your comments. So please leave me a message if you wish to tell me anything. If you want to PM me, you can also add me on discord - WitheringLeaf #0942

One small request from the author: Before I start posting again, please continue to keep this in the library so that you guys can see when I update again.

In the meantime, you don't have to donate powerstones to me neither. However, when I come back... you all know what to do, right? :))

See you all soon.
