Author's Announcement

Hey everyone! To those who have supported my novel throughout the years, I'm truly thankful. Without you guys, I wouldn't have continued writing... even though I abandoned the story half way. Yet, you guys still continue to support me via the comment section.

I feel guilty. I feel shameful. I feel embarrassed. Because of my laziness & inability, I dropped this novel. It's not that I don't enjoy writing, but it really is hard. It's hard to continue my story since it developed too quickly and now I'm not too sure of where the novel is going..

But regardless - hey, I'm back. I will continue to write. Not for me, but for you readers out there - who read my work.

So I have two suggestions. Please tell me what you guys think via discord/comments.

1. Rewrite/edit the story - and post the chapters again from chapter one. I may disregard the Artificial Intelligent Arc, re-write some bits that aren't well written, decorate and improve my writing quality. Don't worry - the plot, MC, cultivation methods won't change.

I will promise at least 3 chapters a week, not accounting the old chapters. This would help me to develop my story, and at least know what I was/am writing about. Quality should improve drastically.

2. Continue writing... in expense of quality. It's a viable method but the story may not end up as well as it should.

I will try write 3ch/week, but i may get another writer's block since the story lacks a clear direction.


Well, I am just trying to see if there even is any active reader remaining. Please send me a message so I know you guys are still out here waiting for me!

Also - yeah offer me some advice/incentives/power stones so this story can go on!

Yes - I'm busy. I have to apply for universities next year, and I'm going for the top schools. I should probably focus on academics to maximize my chances, but oh well, too bad i like u guys and i like my book too. if you guys can support me financially as well, it would be great. but obvs, i dont expect any since i don't even post...

just read my book and reply to me and that's all i ask for! for now ;)