The Yan Clan

*Fire Continent, Origin Elemental Realm*

Countless men were huddled obediently in the hallway leading to a spacious room. They all have similar physical characteristics-- large built and wild aura. They are the epitome of manly men that can shake the whole realm with their ferociousness alone.

However, now these wild men all have solemn faces. Some were even crying with snot and tears like it is the end of the world. If the natives of the Origin Elemental Realm were told of this scene, no one will believe such a ridiculous story.

Some said the Yan clan bloodline is cursed. Or else why can't this clan have balanced male and female descendant ratio like other clans? The Yan clan only had three female descendants since its establishment. The first was a second generation descendant, the daughter of the founder of Yan clan born thousands of years ago. The second was Rinley's mother, Lily. And lastly, the very girl inside the spacious room who was now receiving treatment from the continent's best doctors, the most precious treasure of the Yan clan, Rinley.

The men were getting fidgety by the minute. Just as some of them were about to barge inside in anxiety, footsteps were heard and the tightly shut door opened. A group of doctors led by Divine Doctor Mo and his two disciples came out.

With a snap, all the men came crowding, circling the doctors-- all their wild aura bursting out.

Divine Doctor Mo has cold sweat on his forehead. Since he was proclaimed as the number one doctor in the whole Origin Elemental Realm, he has never felt such threatening pressure. He felt that if he spoke one wrong word, his life will end there and then.

An old man who seemed to be with the highest position in the group asked the question that all men wanted to ask.

"How is Rinley?" the Grand Elder asked with a trembling voice not befitting of his position.

A while ago, all the men from top to bottom of the clan were fretting and panicking inside the room while the doctors are doing treatment. Finally, the clan Guardian threw them out for causing a disturbance.

"Grand Elder, the young miss is already in a stable condition. She had a ridiculously high compatibility with the clan's ancestral inheritance and her body wasn't able to withstand the sudden burst of power during the ancestral baptism. This is why she bled in the seven orifices and fainted.

Fortunately, there is no permanent damage to her body. I suggest that she undergo body tempering before completing her inheritance ceremony. I already gave prescriptions of nutritional supplement to His Holiness to the young mistress' body. She will wake up in at least two to three days," Divine Doctor Mo spoke in one breath.

With that statement, all the men swiftly disappeared and went inside the room without a second word.

The great Divine Doctor Mo has also never felt disregarded like this before.