
Darkness... Nothing but darkness.

Rinley tried to recollect everything in his mind. In his previous life, he was born with so much bad luck that it was not an exaggeration to conclude that he is the most unlucky person in the world. It was to the point that his master limited his travels outside for fear that he would be struck dead by a falling meteorite while walking on the streets.

His master found him abandoned in a run-down temple-- his meridians severed and his body so weak that his physic was not suitable for cultivation. The only fortunate thing is that his crazy master was well-versed in alchemy giving him a chance to have a long life. With a mortal body, he was able to live for more than five centuries.

However, just as he thought he was able to change his fate, he was betrayed by his lover. Hundreds of years of affection were nothing in front of a miracle medicine that can change one's physic and boost cultivation talent. Just like that, his poor life was gone. If not for his master's given treasure which was able to preserve his soul at that time, that white lotus girl could have shattered his soul.

The scenery suddenly changed and Rinley's mind replay was interrupted. Lushes of greenery, a clear lake, and a thatched cottage entered his view. A handsome man was sitting on the edge of the lake with a fishing rod in hand.

"O-old man!?" Rinley exclaimed. The man heard the voice and looked at him, a shocked expression flashed on his face.

The man then broke into a sunny smile, one that could make naive girls squeal.

[He is nothing but an old man who always pretends to be young] Rinley thought to himself.

The man threw the fishing rod and ran to his side at lightning speed, enveloping him in a big bear hug. Rinley suddenly felt suffocated!

"My Rinrin is getting cuter," the man said in an excited voice.

Rinley gave a bite to the man's waist. Yes, waist... Rinley realized his head is only up to the man's waist. This is a signal to the man as he broke the hug.

"What are you doing here?" Rinley asked.

"Of course it's because I planted a wisp of my consciousness into your soul, so I can talk to you once you remember your memories of your previous life. I made it so that you can remember your memories once you are a step away from the immortal stage. Aren't I a great master?" the man said patting Rinley's head. He looked down to Rinley as if waiting for his praise.

[But wait, isn't it better to have my memories with me the day I was born?]

"Rinley's female self is so cute!" the man added.

Rinley suddenly felt like his mind was frozen. What... what did the old man say?

As if reading his mind, the man transported both of them to the area near the lake giving him a full view of himself.

What he saw was his pale complexion, long silver hair that goes down to his waist, big, light-blue eyes, small nose and cherry lips on a small, chubby face. And most of all, he was currently wearing a lacy pink princess dress!

"You haven't realized it?"

[Wasn't that because you interrupted my mind replay?]

[Wait... that's not the issues here. Can anyone tell him why his manly-self became a cute little girl?!]


Rinley vaguely heard something cracking.