Fifth Monkey

When the fifth young master of the Yan clan went to his little sister's room to guide her in her cultivation, the fifth young master felt like there is something odd.

"Fifth brother," Rinley greeted, her voice sweet like honey. o(╯□╰)o

She is trying her best to look cheerful and energetic even though she still felt weak inside due to last night's cultivation blunder.

Many people said that the men of the Yan Clan are all honest and simple-- in the words of their enemies 'muscle-brained.' But why is it that their clan never declined? It is because in every generation of the Yan clan there is at least one cold-looking black belly-- or so Rinley thought. And these calculating and intelligent people are always chosen as the clan head.

A famous cultivation family actually chooses its next clan head based on their brains instead of martial prowess.

Just look at the current Clan Head and Grand Elder, their auras are different to her honest-to-goodness uncles and elders.

In the current younger generation of the Yan clan, that cunning black belly-type is precisely her fifth cousin-brother, Ryan. She can hide anything from the other monkeys but nothing can be hidden in the eyes of this fifth monkey.

That's why the Clan Head chose him to give guidance to Rinley.

As expected, Ryan immediately inspected Rinley's pulse. He's eyebrows scrunching.

"What did you do last night?" he asked. The temperature in the room suddenly became several degrees lower.

[Two-faced, really two-faced] This fifth monkey usually looks amiable but when he gets serious, he is similar to a thousand-year-old frost.

Immediately, the doctors were called and the elders were alerted.

Divine Doctor Mo who had just been teleported from a far-away place is feeling out of sorts. He just regained his freedom a few days ago but he was called again. He dislikes treating this little princess of the Yan clan the most.


A commotion and an earful of lectures later, Rinley was brought to the library by his first uncle and the fifth monkey to look for suitable external martial arts.

Rinley feels shamed. (ー_ー)!!

She's a centuries-year-old cultivator reborn as a genius. Isn't those protagonists in those types of rebirth stories always look cool and amazing? She also wants to be a proper hero too! Or else wouldn't her cheats all be for naught. But her imagination is different from reality.

The first floor of the library all contains miscellaneous books in different subjects like history, geography, arts, herbology, and others. Meanwhile, the second up to the fifth floors were all dedicated for cultivation.

Rinley was surprised as the two led her straight to the fifth floor. Isn't that a space for the most important manuals?

They ushered her to a conspicuous shelf in a corner. Rinley immediately noticed they are all for the ice attribute.

"This was built when your mother was born, the clan started to collect manuals for the ice attribute," her first uncle said with a bit of melancholy on his face.

It seems like the clan was really excited upon her mother's birth! They collected a wide variety of everything.

However, there is just one body tempering method. Rinley grabbed it together with a movement technique her uncle chose for her.

Tsk... They didn't even let her glance at the fighting techniques. It looks they do not trust her to look out for herself after what happened this morning. But so what? This genius here still have some techniques to use from her last life. ╭(╯^╰)╮