Ice Secret Arts Manual

Coming back to her room, Rinley inspected the books given by the Grand Elder. Some of them have molds in the corners. The paper is yellowish and some words were starting to fade. Rinley is very careful as she flipped through them.

Introduction and Basic Incantations… Yin Sword Arts… Yin Movement Arts… Yin Flame Control Arts… Yin External Martial Arts… Yin Internal Martial Arts… Each of them has three volumes except the Basic Incantations.

According to what Rinley learned, all the core manuals of the clan are personally created by the founders. Rinley can't help but think that the female clan founder has no naming sense. Can't she think of some cool-sounding names?

There is also the Ice Secret Arts Manual. The introduction said that a clan member who awakened the simpler ice elemental attribute must cultivate the Ice Secret Arts Manual to the pinnacle first before touching any Yin-related manuals.

In short, all those manuals are useless to her for now aside from this one. And if she wanted to learn some fighting techniques, she must find other manuals.

Rinley stored everything aside from the Ice Secret Arts Manual.

The Ice Secret Arts Manual has six layers. In each layer, the spiritual qi will become denser and purer until it becomes equivalent to the Yin element upon completion. Such heaven-defying secret arts! Rinley had never heard of a secret art that can change a person's attribute before.

Well, there are still some limitations though. The Ice Secret Arts Manual is specially tailored for the female descendants of the Yan clan.

The core inheritance of the Yan clan was mostly related to the Yin and Yang elements but these attributes were very rare. Even at the Yan clan, the Yang element only appears once every thousand years. The premise of the Ice Secret Art Manual is to stimulate the bloodline so it will not work with just any ice element cultivator.

The cultivation of this secret art also depends highly on talent. Those with excellent-level ice attribute can cultivate it to its peak at least before they reach Xiantian Stage. Those with high-level ice attribute can complete it before they reach Foundation Establishment. Mid-level talents before they reach Immortal realm and low-level talents before they become an Immortal King.

Rinley suddenly felt confident. She has long passed the threshold to complete it!

The Clan Head told her before they left the forbidden area that he would send someone to coach her with her cultivation tomorrow, but Rinley is brimming with confidence right now.

Nothing is difficult to a genius like herself. ╭(╯^╰)╮

Rinley sat cross-legged on her bed and immediately circulated her spiritual qi according to the diagram.

One cycle, two cycles...

[Cold... it's very cold...]

Is this secret art gonna freeze her to death? Rinley couldn't help but shiver

Five cycles... six cycles...

Rinley gritted her teeth and persevered.

Nine cycles... ten cycles...

Finally, she reached the first layer after a few hours.

Isn't this supposed to be easy? Isn't this supposed to be a chicken to her? She is not only half-a-step to immortality, but she also has an excellent-grade ice attribute!

But aside from almost freezing to death, she also felt like all her strength vanished. Wouldn't she die before reaching its peak then? The second layer needs a hundred cycles!

Rinley felt some liquid trickle down her nose accompanied by the scent of iron.

Blood!!! {{{( ̄ハ ̄*)}}}

[It wasn't supposed to be like this!]

Rinley looked at the book again and saw a very small note at the end of the first page. It was so small that it's easy to tell that the one who wrote the manual must have forgotten it and just crammed it at the small space later.

'Cultivator must practice this together with high-level external martial arts or body tempering so the body can bear the stimulation of the bloodline.'

Rinley suddenly felt weaker as she lay on the bed. She didn't forget to rub the blood on her nose to her quilt as she felt her consciousness slipping.

[Not her fault... her genius-self did not do wrong! It's definitely the manual creator's fault.] That was Rinley's last thoughts before she blacked out.