
Rinley stored the books in a high-grade storage ring. Even in an ancient clan like the Yan clan, only those with high position can get a high-grade storage ring, much less an eight-year-old. This was gifted by her brothers to celebrate her supposed awakening ceremony. Even though they are annoying, at least they were quite generous, Rinley told herself.

Looking at the Grand Elder's retreating figure, Rinley bowed and left.

[Hmph! If you don't want to say it, then don't. I'll figure it out myself. ╭(╯^╰)╮]

Rinley, with her curious personality, really just wanted to know what was the use of that damn pink attribute. It was not like she'll go to some bastard's place to cultivate it. She even doesn't want to use it in this lifetime. Why can't they just say it clearly?


It's not the first time Rinley heard about them. Shamans or the so-called Spiritual Healers can use their spiritual qi to repair any kind of injury to the body or sometimes even an individual's soul. They usually awaken the rare light attribute or anything related to light. However, Rinley never heard about a Shaman with pink powers.

Shamans are very rare that they can be counted on both hands. Even in her last life, Rinley has never met one.

[Wait, wait, wait...]

Rinley stopped in her tracks and looked at her surroundings. Where is she?

She has been walking for a while now but all she sees are a bunch of white trees. As a former alchemist, Rinley has a good sense of time. She knew she had walked at least twice the time compared to when she was getting here with the others earlier.

Rinley can't believe she is lost. ( ̄△ ̄; )

*Five hours later*

In the outer perimeter of the forbidden area, a group of men was shuttling here and there while a cold-looking middle-aged man is barking orders.

"Father, did you chase out your servant boys again? Why didn't anyone see Rinley leave?" The cold-looking middle-aged man said to an equally cold-looking man at his side. They look so similar that they look like twins instead of father and son.

Yes, they are the Yan Clan Head and the Grand Elder.

"In the first place why didn't you send someone to escort Rinley back? You know that girl isn't good with directions!"

Said equally cold-looking man: "..."

The Yan Clan Head is exasperated. Even though the Grand Elder isn't saying anything he knew they must have touched the subject of Rinley's third attribute. His father is usually cool-headed but when it has something to do with his little sister, Lily, especially the incident that year, he loses his cool.

But really, of all attributes, why must Rinley awaken that one? If those old foxes in the Phoenix Realm knew, they will do anything to snatch her.

"Clan Head, there is a signal. Rinley had been found," one of the men reported.

Several minutes later, the Clan Head saw Rinley escorted by two of his nephews as the other men crowded around them.

"How are you? Did you get any injuries? How did you get lost?" Rinley's eldest cousin-brother asked in distress, inspecting Rinley all over.

Although the area looks safe at first glance, there are actually many dangers here. Those seemingly motionless Phosphorus trees will attack if they feel someone with hostile intentions. There are even some high-level beasts lurking around in some areas.

"I didn't get lost. Rinley was just looking around the scenery," Rinley answered, unashamed.

The Clan Head and Grand Elder who were just about to break the crowd staggered at their feet.

Yan Clansmen: "..." [What's there to look about? There's no scenery here, just identical looking trees everywhere.]

Rinley blinked, pretending to be innocent. Her face saying, 'how dare you doubt me!"

"Who would get lost here? Although all the trees look the same, the area is circular. Even if you walk in all four different directions, you will reach the outer area if you walk a straight line. You wouldn't think I walk around in circles, right?" [This one here is a genius, you know?]

Yan Clansmen: "..."

Rinley felt that she is getting better at winning arguments. ╮(╯▽╰)╭