Yin and Yang Flame

"Truthfully, The real inheritance of the Yan clan is supposed to be related to the Yin and Yang Flame. (Yan= Flame). However, the Yin Flame was enraged and cursed the Yan clan not to have any female descendants, so the power of the Yin Flame cannot be passed. From then on, Yin Flame disappeared from this world."

"Meanwhile, due to grief, the owner of the Yang Flame died afterward. On the other hand, the Yang Flame sealed himself under the fire magma pool in the Burning Sky Volcano to atone himself. He subdued the active fire magma to let the Yan clan descendants train in the magma pool without too much risk."

"It is said that when the Yang Flames sincerity is recognized, the Yan clan's curse will be slowly lifted. And when the clan produces an excellent female descendant that can control the powers of the Yin Flame, the Yin Flame will re-emerge. With the two flames lying dormant, the clan only inherits the simpler version of the original elements-- fire and ice."

The Grand Elder almost exhausted his saliva about the tragic history of the clan and whatnot. However, he did not say anything about what Rinley wanted to know the most. Rinley only wants the juicy details! Like why did the Yang Flame kill his master's wife? Who's request did it grant? There's something fishy here.

Rinley noted the questions and reminded herself to ask that damn ghost of a Guardian Elder when she ran into him. ( ̄ー ̄)


In a conspicuous cave in the core area underground the Burning Sky Volcano, a certain handsome middle-aged man with a fire emblem in his forehead suddenly had a coughing fit, causing the unfinished treasure he has been refining to be wasted. [The hell! Who is cursing me?]


Back in the Grand Elder's abode.

The Grand Elder gave Rinley about a dozen worn-out books.

"Here are the basic mantras and combat techniques for female descendants up to the Foundation Establishment Stage and an external martial art."

Rinley is dumbfounded.(⊙O⊙)

Are jade slips and memory tubes not a thing tens and thousands of years ago? Why record a good cultivation method on a fragile paper. They look so old that it feels like it will turn into dust every time you turn a page.

Seeing her face, the Grand Elder made an awkward cough.

"Well, that's the original and only version. The Yin Flame ransacked the library at that time and burned everything about yin and ice cultivation in her rage. This is placed inside the female founder's storage ring so it was saved."

It can't be transferred to another medium without a deep understanding of the techniques, hence the precious manuals were preserved just like this.

"Take a good care of it. Do you have any questions?"

"That... does grandfather know about the third element?" [That damn pink attribute.]

The Grand Elders gaze became complicated. He heaved a sigh and spoke in a noticeably faster and much quieter voice.

"You should roughly have an idea about it. Your biological father is from another realm. That attribute is probably related to shamans."

The Grand Elder rose from his seat. "That's about all of it, you can go back now. Remember to be diligent on your cultivation!"

Why is it like the Grand Elder is fleeing or something? Why does she feel like everyone is avoiding the topic of the third attribute? Even the clan head and some elders earlier are very suspicious, she feels like they knew something but decided to hide it. Do they think that she will be sad if she learned she has a bastard of a father?

Rinley is angry. They are treating her like a kid! (Author: Duh, you're a kid.)