Burning Sky Mountain

Rinley felt that everyone is acting strangely. Is it because she has no fire-related attributes? No worries, this one here is still an unrivaled genius. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

She went to the large soul-measuring stone. Everyone's gazes were focused on her. The soul-measuring stone buzzed and the figure started to climb up to a thousand. Everyone released an exhale.

An ordinary mortal has a soul force value of 10 at birth. To reach the Immortal stage, one needs a hundred while the threshold for God stage is a thousand. Simply put, Rinley has the soul force of a God realm expert or a low-level Deity.


In the center-most part of the Fire Continent, there is a forbidden area. The atmosphere here is so hot that ordinary mortals will feel their body burning slowly. Fire elemental particles are seen floating in the air.

Passing through a thick encirclement of White Phosphorus trees, there is a majestic mountain, or should it be called a volcano?

Underneath the so-called Burning Sky Mountain is a gigantic magma pool but there is no crater or opening on top of the mountain. No matter how hot and active the magma becomes, it is forever sealed inside.

The Yan Clan Head and some elders are leading a group of youngsters to the magma pool. But what is she doing here? Rinley felt puzzled.

She, who does not have an inch of a fire-related attribute or natural ability. She, who has an ice element. Won't she explode going near the magma pool?

"Grand Elder," the clan head and elders saluted while the boys and Rinley followed.

The Grand Elder just nodded and gestured Rinley to follow him while the rest of the people headed for the magma pool.

Rinley followed the Grand Elder to an obscure cave at the foot of the mountain. It looked shabby on the outside but the inside is nicely decorated with fine furniture. Just as Rinley was about to make another salutation, the Grand Elder spoke.

"Just call me grandfather when we're in private," the Grand Elder said, his cold face softening a little.

Actually, the Grand Elder is her real grandfather-- her mother's father. However, they were not very close. Like his second uncle, the clan head, her grandfather goes around with a cold face and an aura of authority that make youngsters afraid of him. This includes the eight-year-old Rinley.

The Grand Elder has an appearance of a middle-aged man, coupled with their equally frozen expression, he looks so much like her second uncle that some people could mistake them if they are not wearing different uniforms.

Stop... Rinley focused her mind and stopped it from wandering.

"I heard you have three excellent attributes? That's very good. One excellent attribute is extremely rare, some kids in the clan even have a single low-level attribute," the Grand Elder continued

Rinley nodded.

"Do you know why the clan only has male descendants for thousands of years?"

Rinley shook his head. She was really curious. She wanted to tell the Grand Elder to hurry up and get to the main point of the story but she pretended to be meek and obedient. ಠ‿ಠ

Although Rinley grew spoiled and always played around with her brothers she is a well-cultivated young miss who knows how to be respectful to elders. At least that was true until she realized she was a loli transvestite.

"That's right, it was really a curse, however, only the Guardian Elder new the full details."

Rinley took a mental note to hear all the gossip to the never-before-seen Guardian Elder.

"It is said that the true founders of the Yan Clan were a powerful couple, the former owners of the two top heavenly flames, the Yang Flame and Yin Flame. However, one day, the Yang flame unknowingly betrayed his master due to a promise and killed the owner of the Yin flame…"

Tsk... tsk... another cliche tragedy story, such love-hate relationship, betrayal, and angst. Rinley felt there is no more true love in the world. Just the Yan clan is enough proof.