Triple Attributes

Two days later, Rinley was once again standing in the magnificent main hall.

During the last few days, the nine monkeys often visited her making her very annoyed, but she can't think of an excuse to make them leave. Her only tactic right now is to annoy and anger them to death so they leave her alone. =__=!!!

Because of the disturbance, Rinley caused the other day, the inheritance awakening ceremony was cut short and rescheduled today. Rinley stood in the hall with dozens of eight-year-olds boys from the side branches of the Yan clan. In front were the Yan Clan Head and other elders.

The first part of the ceremony was the awakening of the inheritance in the body and elemental attributes. They need to meditate in front of the statue of the clan founder for about 15 minutes until they feel a resonance. Every clan member undergoes this process only once in their lifetime at eight years of age. During which they will inherit different natural abilities and awaken their attributes. Some even advance their cultivation at times due to the stimulation.

However, Rinley will need to skip on this step today. That so-called resonance was the one that made her faint last time and the clan elders agreed that she needs to cultivate her physical body first before a second try. She only counted as half-awakened. She was past the part of awakening her elemental attributes last time but not her natural abilities.

The second step is the examination of awakened attributes and talent. The cultivators of the Origin Elemental Realm especially the ancient clans like the Yan Clan are more adept in cultivating the five elements- fire, water, earth, wind, and lightning.

Obviously, most of the attributes of the Yan clan members awaken fire. However, they vary in purity and sometimes descendants also inherit attributes from their maternal family. Lastly, those with high-purity fire elements and natural talent are soaked on the fire magma pool after the ceremony in the hall.

Rinley is last on the line. She was first last time but maybe the clan elders are worrying that she may cause another disturbance so they scheduled her last.

Finally, it was Rinley's turn. She bypassed the first platform and went to test her attributes. She placed her hand on a floating stone and released a wisp of spiritual qi.

Three bright pillars of light shoot out. It was brighter than any other descendants today which meant that she was the most talented among them.

The hall quieted down. She looked around and everyone has a look of disbelief.

[Is there something wrong?]

Rinley looked up at the pillars of light above her and she suddenly wants to smash her head.

Light blue, that means ice... Grey, that means space. But what is with the third color? It's pink! What kind of attribute is pink?

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Does she really have an unbreakable bond with pink in this life? She can say later that she got sick of it to get rid of her room decorations and lacy dresses but there is no escaping with a pink-colored spiritual qi! Rinley swore she's never gonna use it.

The clan leader was the first to get out of his trance and announced the result.

"Three Excellent attributes, ice, space, and... *cough* I think we should all do a research first on the last one."


NOTE: About the Education System in this world.

Descendants of big clans like the Yan Clan usually start education and cultivation at the age of five. This is the most ideal age so their bones are still malleable but not too fragile. They have arranged tutors in history, geography, arts, and cultivation but they are all the basics.

They are taught both external (physical) and internal cultivation that is suitable for all attributes. However, all this are only to enhance their body and qi. They are not taught any fighting or other techniques yet. This is to prepare their body before they undergo awakening at the age of eight.

The preparatory cultivation is only supposed to build their foundations. However, Rinley, being the freak loli that she is, advanced to Foundation Establishment in three years while other kids are still in Houtian and those considered geniuses are in the Xiantian Realm. She focused on internal cultivation only and ditched the pain in the ass external cultivation which involves arduous exercise.

After the awakening of attributes and natural abilities, they start to cultivate according to their attributes and are taught fighting skills. Some cultivate in their clans while others go to sects.

For commoners with no resources for preparatory cultivation, they go to temples to attend the awakening ceremony at the age of 10.