Treasure Hunt

Rinley really wanted to reach the God stage faster to shed off her seven-year-old body and rival the white lotus. And if there is a shortcut to power up… Rinley can't think of anything but the treasures left by her master.

Her master imprinted four maps in her sea of consciousness. These maps were programmed to give her a distress signal which gets louder as she gets nearer to the areas marked in the maps.

At this, Rinley thought her master is really underestimating her skills. She is a genius who has heaven-defying luck! Did he think she can't read a map?

The four maps each represent a famous treasure hunting ground in each of the four higher realms.

According to the information, her master transmitted her, King Yama won't tell him which of the higher realms she will be born to so he just conveniently split them into four and left a portion of them in each of the higher realms.

As the Fire Continent is part of the Origin Elemental Realm. Of course, it became Rinley's first target. The problem is, how is she supposed to get out of the Fire Continent?

The Fire Continent is fully controlled by the Yan clan and there is only one teleportation circle available. Anyone coming in and going out is closely monitored.

The first person Rinley thought of is her first uncle, Leo. Among other elders, he is the easiest to persuade. Rinley just needs to act cute and plead a little and her Uncle Leo will acquiesce to her every demand.

As usual, her first uncle was practicing martial arts in his courtyard. This martial arts maniac was too absorbed in his practice that he didn't notice Rinley until they almost face to face.

Rinley put on her most adorable expression as she stared at her uncle.


"Uncle~~," Rinley called in her sweetest voice.

Leo's expression suddenly melted. Rinley's made a victory pose in her mind. Her mission is already considered half complete.

"What is it, my princess? Is there anything my princess needs?" Leo asked as he bent down to pick up Rinley with his sweaty arms.

[Ignore it… ignore it…] Rinley hypnotized herself as she continued with her acting.

"Uncle, Rinley wants to go to the central continent! Can uncle accompany Rinley?"

Leo suddenly froze.

"Why does Rinley want to go to the central continent?"

[Of course, it's because this genius wants to go treasure hunting!]

Coincidentally the Sacred Palace Trial Grounds in the central continent of the Origin Elemental Realm where the treasures are hidden is scheduled to open in two weeks.

"Rinley heard that the central continent is lively and fun. Rinley wants to go and see!" Rinley answered cutely.

Seeing that her uncle is still deliberating in his mind, Rinley upped the cuteness to another level.

"Please… Uncle~~" Rinley continued, her eyelashes fluttering as she blinked.

"Okay," Leo finally relented.

"Thanks, Uncle!" Rinley beamed as she kissed her uncle's cheeks.

Rinley is ecstatic. What strength is justice in the cultivation world? At least in the Yan clan cuteness is the real justice! ╮(╯▽╰)╭