Extra: Sixth Monkey***

As Rinley was reading in the library, a youth was attentively watching her from behind the massive shelves.

The youth can't help but become fascinated with Rinley's changing expressions. One second it was calm, then shaken, then angry... until he sensed a murderous aura emanating from the seemingly harmless girl.

He was surprised when he heard some clan members saying that Rinley has been reading in the library. Everyone knew that Rinley hates studying, especially thick books like the one she is holding right now.

He sneaked behind her to give her a surprise, however, it seems like she has faster reflexes than he imagined. The thick book came flying towards him.


Although Rinley does not know fighting techniques yet, the strength of a half-step immortal using a blunt object whilst releasing a murderous intent is something that cannot be underestimated.

"Sixth brother?!" Rinley said in a surprised voice when she saw the person behind her.

"You... you finally recognize me?" The youth was holding his aching head with his hand but his voice was filled with excitement. Rinley always mistakes him for his twin brother and vice versa. He and Ryan's looks are so similar that they can substitute for each other if needed. However, their personalities are on the opposite sides of the pole.

"Of course! Only sixth brother will do something as childish as sneaking behind someone's back after all," Rinley said while directing him an observing gaze. [Sixth brother also has the lowest IQ among the nine monkeys.]

Monkey with the lowest IQ:... QAQ


Sixth monkey: A chapter dedicated to me and you don't even mention my real name?

Author: …

Sixth monkey: This is blatant discrimination!!

Author: ... *cough* That... I can't think of a name for you yet... _(:зゝ∠)_