Escape (2)

Rinley played with the butterfly pendant on her neck. The Grand Elder told her not remove it but that only gave her a suspicion. This thing might be a tracking device of some sort.

After eating her dinner, Rinley immediately retreated back to the room pretended to sleep. Fortunately, they left her alone this time.

As the moon hung outside the window, Rinley became more agitated.

Finally, it was midnight. Rinley got up and changed into her most simple clothing. She removed her necklace and put it into her pillow. She positioned the pillow vertically on the bed and bit her finger to drip a drop of her blood accompanied by a chant, and viola-- this pillow here now has her aura so they wouldn't realize she's gone till morning.

Then, its time for her make-up. She tied her hair up into a bun securing it in black silk and made her face more ordinary.

Don't ask her how she knew how to do these things. Her master taught her every survival skill he could think of to make up for her low cultivation, including pick-locking.

She then activated her Turtle Breathing and Camouflage and just like that, she escaped through the window and blended into the night.


In a cold and gloomy palace somewhere in the chaos, a devilishly handsome man sitting on a black throne opened his eyes for the first time in years at the same time Rinley removed her necklace.

He wore nothing but black, his long ink-black hair falls to his shoulders and his eyes were scary red with a black teardrop mole below his right eye.

He looked through the window to the starry sky as if his eyes are penetrating through spacetime.

"Kelly," the man said in low voice with a hint of excitement.

"Yes master," in an instant, a cute little boy manifested in the man's side.

"It's time we make a trip to the Origin Elemental Realm."


Meanwhile, after successfully avoiding the patrolling Yan clansmen guards. Rinley made a beeline to the market instead of the city gates. She knew she wouldn't be able to get through the gates with her appearance so she plans on hitching a ride from merchants.

She observed carefully by the sidelines before picking an amiable-looking middle-aged man stacking sacks of garlic in a worn-out carriage. She heard he would be delivering the goods in the nearby city tonight so while the man wasn't looking, Rinley buried herself into the pile.

On the other hand, as the sun rose the next day, cries of alarm rang inside a luxurious room in the biggest hotel in Chang'an City followed by a group of scary-looking immortal guards running all over the city like headless chickens.