Heavenly Treasures Pavilion

Lilia has been with the Heavenly Treasures Pavilion for almost ten years but this is the first time she was faced by a situation like this.

Working in the front desk of the biggest merchant company in the four higher realms, she was taught not to discriminate among customers; and the most eccentric and mysterious looking the customers were, the more they ought to bring money.

However, although there were some suspicious points, this kid in front of her was neither eccentric nor mysterious.

The little girl certainly became the center of attention as she entered. She looked about 6-10 years old, her eye-catching silver hair is a little deshelved and although the clothes on her looked simple, it was made of very expensive silk that was used only by big clans.

All the customers are looking at her like she was a lost kid looking for her parents but they all frowned as she walked closer, smelling the faint smell of garlic wafting from her body.

She walked until she was in front of Lilia and asked in a sweet voice, "Where do you do big transactions?"

Lilia doesn't know if it was the core teaching of Heavenly Treasures Pavilion driving her or those doe-like, big blue eyes of hers. She just nodded unconsciously and escorted the little girl in one of the private rooms.

Now, she can't help but gape as the little girl took out hundreds of expensive jewelry and other miscellaneous treasures from her interspatial ring that is now forming two small mountains.

"I want these to be changed to spirit stones," the girl said waking Lilia from her shocked state. She immediately went out to get the branch manager.


Meanwhile, in a luxurious room in a hotel in Chang'an, a handsome man was pacing back and forth, his face full of anger. Five youths were standing behind him, their faces equally mad save for an exceptionally calm but equally cold youth in the center. Six immortal guards were kneeling in front of them.

"None of you guys even realized something amiss last night? None of you noticed someone suspicious going inside the young miss' room? And you pride yourself to be part of the elite Yan clan warriors!" the handsome man said with a booming voice as the six men were covered in cold sweat. Although they were all in the Immortal General stage, they were easily suppressed by the man's bloodline advantage.

"Where are the two elders?" the man turned back to ask the five youths.

"Uncle Leo, the two elders are already combing the city to find Rinley together with the remaining guards," the cold-looking youth at the center answered. "However, I already investigated Rinley's room, there were no traces of intrusion or any foreign aura that's why no one noticed someone suspicious approaching her room last night. It is very likely that Rinley wasn't kidnapped...but ran away by herself.

As soon as the cold-looking youth finished his last sentence, the room was enveloped in a pin-dropping silence. All the men in the room looked at him with their eyes bulging. They can't believe what he just said.


Rinley's thoughts while entering the Heavenly Treasures Pavilion: [The genius me really attracts attention everywhere. ╭(╯^╰)╮]