Heavenly Treasures Pavilion (2)

The manager of the Heavenly Treasures Pavilion is smiling from ear to ear as he looked at the young girl sitting in front of him while his men were doing an inventory of her treasures and jewelry. Even without a close inspection, he can tell that each one of them was very rare and valuable.

He began to be curious of the identity of the girl who just messily scattered these precious items in the ground as though they were useless.

"If it is not disrespectful, may I ask this young miss the origin of these treasures?"

"Don't worry, they are not stolen goods," Rinley said taking a sip of her tea. Noticing the sudden change in atmosphere, she added chuckling. "If I say they were gifts from my brothers, would you believe me?"

"Then, if young miss receives other valuable 'gifts' later, please consider selling them to our pavilion first," the manager also chuckled.

Rinley sighed. [This old man, he asked and dared not believe me!]

Truthfully, they were really gifts from the nine monkeys and other men in the clan. Being the spoiled brat that she is, her cousin brothers and uncles always bring her a lot of gifts even when they are merely visiting and present it to her like dogs always asking for a praise.

In just one hour, they were finished counting. The total was about 1.1 million low-grade spiritual stones. The manager also promptly gave her a VIP card. Rinley exchanged half of it to medial grade spiritual stones so she got five hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones and 5,000 medial grade spiritual stone. Adding the one million low-grade spiritual stones the clan head gave her to spend. Rinley thinks she has enough to fund her journey.

Rinley looked at the pavilion manager as if debating something in her head. [Well, he already thinks I'm a thief so there's actually no point considering about it.]

"Also, I would need a human skin mask, 100 sets of black men's clothing, a veiled bamboo hat, some high-grade defensive talisman, as well as some qi restoration and healing pills," Rinley said.

"Yes, young miss," the manager nodded but his gaze to Rinley became even weirder.

Actually, the manager doesn't think that way. How could a little girl be a thief? At most, he only thinks that the poor girl was being used as a middleman of some thief.

After leaving the Heavenly Treasures Pavilion, Rinley went to an inn and removed the stench of garlic in her body with a quick bath. She also put on the human skin mask so she now looked like an average-looking boy; changed into the black clothing and wore the veiled bamboo hat. Rinley was very satisfied with the veil. It looked dark from the outside but light from the inside so it covered her face without hindering her sight.

Rinley once again disappeared through the city gates.


Meanwhile, a few hours after Rinley walked out from the Heavenly Treasures Pavilion. An immortal cultivator bearing a jade plate with a fire emblem went inside snooping for information.