Shanhai City

In an inn in Chang'an City, three immortal cultivators, and five youngsters were seated in a circular table. The three immortal cultivators were discussing something nonstop. While the five were listening by the sidelines and sometimes dropping comments here and there.

Suddenly, a knock was heard from the door and the group stopped talking.

"*Cough* Come in!" one of the Immortal King elders said and a middle-aged woman came inside.

"Greetings elders," the woman was Aunt Rose who was Rinley's head maidservant. "Someone just sent news from Jinan City, the Jinan City branch of Heavenly Treasures Pavilion acquired a large number of precious jewelry and some of them were identified as the young miss things."

"However, that merchant company has a rule of not disclosing their clients' identities. I think the elders need to personally make a visit."

***Shanhai City, one of the largest city in the central continent of the Origin Elemental Realm.

A certain someone was still unaware that the Yan clansmen were hot on her trail. Underneath her veil, Rinley has a very excited expression. O(≧▽≦)O

During her previous life, her master was only interested in alchemy so the places she visited with him were all treasure troves were medicinal ingredients were found. Meanwhile, the Fire Spirit only likes to travel on lower realms where they need to seal their cultivation act like mortals.

This is the first time Rinley got to enjoy a bustling city where people don't distinguish between day and night and experts are seen everywhere on the street, so she is really pumped up. But unknowingly, her excitement caused a weird scene.

In the streets of Shanhai, someone with the height of a little kid was seen dressed in all black like those elite hidden guards of big clans. However, the height was not really the issue. Hidden guards were supposed to blend in the crowd while protecting their master but the little kid was skipping around like she has springs on her feet while humming a weird tune.

Those who saw her were sure the little kid was playing cosplay, imitating her family's elite guards.

Suddenly, the little kid stopped in front of a middle-aged man on the street and asked, "Mister, do you know where can I hire a carriage?"

Rinley tried to lower her voice to imitate males but her voice came out throaty like someone was squeezing her neck.

The man was very surprised at the unexpected voice coming from the little kid and pointed a street two corners away.

Rinley said his thanks and gave the man a bag containing a hundred lower-grade spirit stones before flinging his sleeves and waltzing away.

Ah... in her previous life, it was one of Rinley's dream to act just like this, a moneybag who treats money like water. ╮(╯▽╰)╭