
The greater the opportunity, the greater the danger. The Sacred Palace Trial Grounds is not just a place of treasures and legacies, it is also a place of peril.

For cultivators with no chances of ascending immortality in this lifetime, it's just a source of wealth. But for the youths and geniuses of the Origin Elemental Realm, it is a trial by fire to weed out the weaklings and less talented.

It is an unspoken rule that youths can only enter the trial grounds when they are at least at Five-star Foundation Establishment. This is to make sure that there is not much difference in the power distribution of attendees and also to lower the mortality rate. Still, at least 50 percent of the cultivators who go inside the Sacred Palace Trial Grounds die every year.

That's why the nine young masters of the Yan clan entering the trial grounds this year caused such a stir. It was known that at least half of them were not at Five-star Foundation Establishment yet, while the youngest had just recently entered Foundation Establishment. Are the Yan clan really eager to send their descendants to death or are they just really confident?

However, Rinley, who was rushing to Wuxi City in a simple carriage knew nothing of this. She was busy reading and analyzing information from Yellow Gate.

Wuxi City is just a small city six cities away from Shanhai. However, during this time of the year, it has an influx of visitors. The only entrance to the Sacred Palace Trial Grounds is located in a rainforest in Wuxi.

Rinley learned that there will be an auction hosted by the Heavenly Treasures Pavilion in Wuxi City the night before the opening of the trial grounds so she hired the old man to rush her across six cities in three days to attend the auction.

***Three days later

As the carriage pulled to a stop in front of the Heavenly Treasures Pavilion, Rinley immediately gave a bag of spirit stones to the old man and almost flew over to the entrance.

Thankfully, she wasn't too late.

Rinley moved to the one with the shorter line without hesitation but when she looked up in front of her, she almost had a heart failure from shock.

Σ( ° △ °|||)!!!

Nine similar-looking youths stood, looking at her with great interest.

Their identities can't be any more obvious, they are the nine monkeys.

Rinley can't help but step back. [Do they know who I am? This can't be.]

Just as Rinley was about to run away, the fifth monkey opened her mouth and said, "Kid, do you have an invitation? You can't enter the auction without an invite."

Rinley shook her head fast like a rattle.

"Well, we can take you with us. We have a VIP booth reserved," Rinley haven't answered yet but the fifth monkey already hauled her away.

The first monkey flashed a card to the guard at the entrance. If Rinley saw it clearly, she will find it familiar. However, right now, she is too nervous to care.

[What to do?] Rinley is on the brink of tears. (T﹏T)


Ninth Monkey: "What invitation? Didn't we just need a VIP card to access a private booth? *whisper *whisper."

Fifth Monkey glaring daggers at him: "Shut up!"