Auction (2)

The auction started almost immediately. Because of the opening of the Sacred Palace Trial Grounds the day after, many geniuses from different clans participated in the auction to look for items that might help increase their chances of survival.

The atmosphere in the auction house was boisterous and lively. Contrary to this, a certain VIP booth on the third floor has a very tense atmosphere.

Rinley didn't dare let out a squeak, sitting rigidly in one of the plush chairs.

The table in front of her was full of fresh fruits. She really wanted to pluck a grape. She has been eating nothing but dried meat during her journey. Seeing her favorite fruits, she can't help but stare longingly from under her veil. (⊙﹏⊙)

As if reading her thoughts, the fifth monkey moved the plate closer to her, "You must have had a tiring journey. Here, eat some."

Rinley really can't control herself and reached out her hand.

[Just one. Really just one piece.]

"We are in a private room, you should remove your veil so you can eat properly," the fifth monkey said.

As if being influenced by an unknown force, Rinley immediately detached the veil from her hat revealing a pair of big blue eyes on a fine-looking face.

Then he started his subtle interrogation. "Are you going to the Sacred Palace Trial Grounds?"

Rinley nodded while putting the grape in her mouth. It was very sweet, its quality was as fine as those from the Yan Clan.

"You're looking for something there?"

Rinley nodded again swallowing another grape.

"What is it? A valuable treasure?" Rinley's hand that was currently reaching the plate tensed. Fifth monkey looked at her eyes as if he can peek through her soul. "Is it difficult to say?"

Rinley nodded again in the middle of chewing.

"Its okay, we are going there to look for treasures too. Almost everyone is the same," he added.

Those words made Rinley relax. At least it looks like she's not busted yet.

Suddenly, the people from the first floor started clamoring. Looks like there is a special item. The auctioneer presented a black heavy sword. Although it's all black, it was emanating a noble aura and its edges were shining due to sharpness.

Rinley's eyes turned restless looking at the sword. She can feel some sort of resonance with it.

"This is one of our final three items, an incomplete Immortal treasure sword. It might be useless to immortal cultivators but this is the best sword for those below immortal realm. Unlike immortal treasures, it does not burden those with lower cultivation realms, however, its power can rival immortal treasures.

This sword was found in a relic site of a former kingdom. Also, our blacksmiths have inspected this sword. It can be further upgraded to immortal treasure. The starting bid for this sword is five hundred thousa--"

The auctioneer's voice has yet to be finished when a crisp voice rang out, "One million lower grade spirit stones!"

The auction house was silent. Doubling the price on the first bid? It seems like it's from the VIP section.

[I have to get this sword.] Rinley is filled with determination.


Author observing the play in the sidelines: "Hey what's wrong with you guys? Why are you tightly clenching your fists? Your knuckles are while and your palms are bleeding!!"

Eight monkeys minus fifth monkey: ... [If we don't do this we can't control ourselves from petting and feeding cute little Rinley.]

Lol. Rinley is easily bought over with food.