Sacred Palace Trial Grounds

"Congratulations Leo! We didn't know that your clan was hiding a monstrous genius in your clan!"

"This is really unbelievable! Your Yan Clan will surely rise."

"That niece of yours! She might become the youngest immortal in history."

"Surely, a genius like her will find a good legacy at the trial grounds."

Just minutes the opening of the trial grounds, news about Rinley, including the rumors about her that had been previously circulating in the four ancient clans wildly spread.

Outside the entrance of the Sacred Palace Trial Grounds, several elders from different clans, sects and other cultivation groups are camping out. They will be waiting here until the month is up to escort their young generations out. Although currently, the Origin Elemental Realm is very rather peaceful and the four ancient clans have a good relationship, there is still a probability that unfriendly relationship may arise in front of treasures.

At the spot where the elders from the Yan clan are situated, several cultivators from different groups are sending their congratulations. Aside from the four ancient clans who got to know Rinley through the Guardian Elders boasting, most of them are shocked at the unprecedented emergence of a monstrous genius.

On the other hand, Leo just nodded to them with a stiff smile on his face The other Yan Clan elders on his back were equally quiet, only answering the crowd with a word every once in a while.

What should they say? The poor elders had no idea that Rinley would enter the trial grounds with their nine young masters.

When Leo received the news that Rinley was found, he was so happy that he wanted to instantly teleport to her location. But when Ryan (Fifth Monkey) listed him one hundred reasons to let Rinley off for a while, he relented to let the little girl enjoy the city for sometime, specially when Ryan said he would send strong guards after her.

He should have thought there was something wrong when the nine suddenly decided to enter the trial grounds. How will he answer the clan if something happens to her?

After a few minutes to his internal battle, Leo decided to suck it up and just confess his sins early gain more leniency. He excused himself to the crowd and contacted the clan.


Inside the Sacred Palace Trial grounds, Rinley and her group had no idea of the commotion they caused. They are riding a flying battleship the fifth monkey bought at the auction as they traversed the outer perimeter of the trial grounds.

Fifteen minutes ago, the nine monkeys immediately hauled Rinley after getting their trial passes and entered quickly in case the elders get the chance to stop them.

The group looked they are on a picnic instead of a life and death trial, eating and drinking on the deck of the ship.

Meanwhile, several meters behind them, a large black eagle is flapping its wings. If one did not look closely, they will not notice five youths in black cloaks on the eagle's back.