Sacred Palace Trial Grounds (2)

Rinley watched with a crying heart as the large battleship gobble up spirit stones after spirit stones. The battleship was not just fast, it has a good defense system which shielded them from poison fog and the bewildering formation at the outer perimeter.

Rinley really wants to sneak out and explore without them. How can she go search for her master's treasure if she simply followed them? Surely they already have plans where to go.

However, Rinley doesn't think she can escape. Rinley doesn't know if it is just her misconception but she feels like the nine were constantly watching her. Also, it is not very convenient to wander the trial grounds by foot. Why would she pass up the opportunity to have a free ride in this spirit stone eating machine?

Rinley gazed at the fifth monkey who is currently studying a map.

As if reading her intentions, Ryan suddenly asked, "Do you have a place you want to go?"

Rinley's eyes brightened from under her veil. (*°▽°*)

This fifth cousin-brother of hers is getting more and more pleasing to the eye.

"The west courtyard, I heard someone discovered a great legacy in that place," Rinley said excitedly.

From its name, the Sacred Palace Trial grounds is like a big palace with many courtyards. The whole trial grounds is twice as big as a prosperous city like Shanhai.

It has four main courtyards found in four different directions and hundreds of small courtyards. Some historical records say the trial grounds was formerly the residence of the powerhouses of the Origin Elemental Realm who left the main world thousands of years ago.


Inside an inconspicuous building in Wuxi City, there was a sudden spatial fluctuation. A devilishly handsome man in all black clothing and a little boy appeared out of nowhere.

"Those damned hypocrites really are like undying cockroaches! We just came out of the palace and they are already waiting outside!" the boy said with resentment.

Suddenly, the door where the two magically appeared was opened and a man in a black cloak came inside.

"My Lord!" the black-cloaked man greeted respectfully.

"The sword?" the Devil King raised an eyebrow.

"My Lord, the sword was won by the Yan Clan in the auction... but don't worry, I already sent five good seedlings in the Sacred Palace Trial Grounds to retrieve it."

As soon as the words finished, the temperature in the room suddenly rose and hints of black-colored flame manifested from his body.

Cold sweat fell from the black-cloaked man's forehead. According to rumors, the Devil King's flame can incinerate everything.

As if forcefully subduing his flames, the Devil King closed his eyes. The veins in his arms and forehead bulged.

. . .

"Did the trial grounds open about an hour ago?" the Devil King asked in greeted teeth.

"Y-yes, My Lord," the black-cloaked man answered nervously.

"Give me an intelligence report of all females that attended the trial grounds this year... After that, you may await your punishment in the dungeons."

"Yes, My Lord!" the black-cloaked man hurriedly scurried away like he's given a pardon.


Author: "I thought your flame can incinerate everything. Why are you still dressed? Burn your clothes! I promise I won't peek! (⊙◡⊙)"

Male Lead (ML): ...

Author: "Really, I won't peek!" [Just a teeny bit...] (*ノ∀`*)

ML: *grits teeth "I can at least control my flames to the level where I don't burn my own clothes. But that's not the issue here. I have been appearing every now and then but why is it that this handsome Male Lead still has no proper name till now?!"

"What can you say about that? HUH?!"

Author: *Slowly steps back. "~Lalala ~Lalala"

ML: [How do I introduce myself to my Rinrin in the future?]


As you can guess by now, I always have trouble naming my characters. Sometimes I even use hours to decide the names, especially for important characters.

Comment your suggestions. That will be a great help! (≧◡≦) ♡