Sacred Palace Trial Grounds (4)

Unbeknownst to Rinley's group, the five youths were hatching a sinister plan.

"I told Raven to steal monkey wine from the Apes, then we will use it to frame them up... Number One will be responsible for slipping the wine in their group. The rest of us will track and follow them. We will hide in the background and wait for the critical moment to attack.

One, if you are discovered, just spill the wine in their bodies and run."


In another area in the trial grounds, Rinley's group found a safe area to stay the night. Ryan can't shake off the weird sense of danger he has been feeling all day so he decided they might as well take a rest.

The nine built four sturdy tents as Rinley watched on the side. She now realized how naive she has been. Charging through the trial grounds without so much preparation. She only brought some food and medicine and forgot other things needed for survival like tents.

The nine also erected some defenses around the tents and sprinkled some yellow powder which helps cover their scents from low-level beasts.

One of the tents was given to Rinley while the nine was divided into three groups and will share the other three tents.

"The first group will do the night watch, the second group will replace you at midnight," Ryan commanded.

Rinley felt like she is very useless, she wasn't even included in the night watch.

Ryan saw her slightly aggrieved face and added, "Little brother Rio, you are our hidden weapon, it will only be more effective if you are hidden from our enemies."

Rinley felt happy and nodded glossing over the fact that she had already shown off her strength during the test. Everyone in the trial grounds knew that the nine young masters of the Yan Clan brought a half-a-step to immortal stage little tail with them.


*Knock knock

"My Lord, the things you have asked me are in here."


The black-cloaked man observed the changes in his master's expression as he read through the information in the scroll.

The handsome man's frown grew deeper by the minute. He felt that none of them was what he was looking for.

Suddenly, his expression changed when he saw the last entry.

'Unconfirmed: Rinley Yan, Yan Clan, Half-a-step to Immortal Realm'

It was the first time he saw that name but he felt that it was vaguely familiar.

"Rinley... Rinley..." he repeated the name and felt a dull ache in his chest. His head started throbbing with pain. He felt like he grasped onto something, only to let it slip through his fingers.

[What is it? What has he forgotten?]

He turned to the subordinate in front of him. His expression immediately turned murderous as he recalled something.

"Those people you sent to the trial grounds, withdraw them immediately!"

The black-cloaked man looked at his master and felt his throat go dry. Something has majorly gone wrong.

"Withdraw. Them. Right. Now!" The handsome man repeated with gritted teeth. He is just a step away from slaying this incompetent subordinate.


Hi! I'm back... :)))

Guess why I was unable to come back in an earlier date...

Well, I was scammed by an employer T___T

Two weeks of hard work went poof** [so depressing]

I'm not sure yet whether my new job right now is a stable one. I will have to wait and see first...

For now, I will be posting one chapter a day. I will also post bonus chapters every Sunday based on the novel's ranking. :))

Lastly, I'm looking for volunteer editors!! Just basic grammar and spelling is fine... or you could just run it over grammarly. This poor author has no money to pay for grammarly subscription. Lol.