

Inside the Sacred Palace Trial Grounds, Rinley's group was awakened by deep roars.

Ryan's face immediately changed. He had been feeling I'll at ease today so he decided they take a break but trouble still came knocking.

Like trained soldiers, the nine were instantly alert and prepared their weapons.

"Wake up, we're getting attacked." Ryan shook Rinley's tent as he observed the surroundings.

The roars and shockwaves were getting closer. He sensed the presence of a high-level beast coming.

This can't be right. They investigated the area carefully and was assured there was no danger. Another thing, most high-level beasts don't bother others unless they are provoked.

There is some conspiracy going on.

"Everyone be alert!" He reminded.

Rinley, who was awakened from her dreamland was still a bit sluggish that she forgot to put on her veil.

She rubbed her eyes and looked around like a little bunny lost in the middle of the forest. The nine monkeys suddenly paused as they saw her cute expression that can't be covered by the human skin mask she was wearing. (⊙▽⊙)

(A/N: Some secret weapon you are. Lol.)

Suddenly, a bamboo flask was thrown in their direction. Before it landed the group could already smell the rich aroma of wine coming from the flask.

Ryan instantly understood what's going on.

"Flame barrier!" he shouted.

Roland immediately responded, erecting a flame barrier around them. It burned the flask on mid-air.

The wine made the flame barrier grew bigger. Fortunately, Roland already anticipated it and was able to control the flame. Meanwhile, Ryan activated a wide-area shield talisman to protect all of them. The wine slowly evaporated until not a single drop was left.

However, it was too late. The group heard the angry roars of the Golden Ape King getting closer accompanied by troops of Silver Apes. There's no way they would be able to fight this group of mad beasts head-on.

"Disperse!" Ryan commanded and the nine broke into three groups. He picked up the still dazed Rinley and ran while Roland and Richard followed closely after them.


The four youths waiting behind the shadows were surprised at the alertness of Rinley's group. Now that the monkey wine wasn't even able to leave a scent on their robes, there's no way the apes would be able to pursue them closely. But at least, they were able to divide the group.

"After the eldest's group!" Four commanded.


Their escape was successful but Ryan still can't shake off the feeling of crisis.

He stopped running and placed Rinley down. By now, Rinley has already gotten rid of her previous sluggish state. Her hair was messy after getting blown by the wind and her sharp eyes surveyed the surroundings.

She wasn't sure what happened earlier but she knew this is the perfect time for her to sneak away.

Ryan nodded at Roland and Richard behind him and shouted, "Come out!"

Five figures emerged from the surrounding trees and encircled the four of them.

"What do you want?" Ryan asked, his eyes narrowing. But in his mind, he is already concocting a plan to torture them. It was these bastards who disturbed their Rinley's precious sleep.