Extra: Distressed King Yama

The Great King Yama is very confused as he perused the Book of Life and Death. As the only Deity of Death, he is very much aware of the position of the only Deity-level alchemist in the whole Shengda Si main world so he personally took care of this simple matter of sending a disciple in the cycle of reincarnation and protecting the soul before the person is reborn.

This said disciple's virtue is really good, the merit halo is almost blinding. However, no matter how many times he looked, the soul is obscured by bad omen. This is the first time he saw an anomaly like this.

After some hesitation, King Yama finally decided to speak up.

King Yama: That... is there something odd with your disciple when he was alive?

Certain Deity-level Alchemist: Nothing. [Except he is very cute.]

King Yama: Really nothing? [There's no way the Book of Life and Death will have a mistake though.]

Certain Deity-level Alchemist: Really nothing... [He's just unbelievably cute.]

King Yama: ...?___?

Certain Deity-level Alchemist: ...

King Yama: Then, tell me about his behavior, maybe his likes and dislikes?

Certain Deity-level Alchemist: Oh... He likes cute things, he especially has soft spot for small furry animals. He also likes to eat sweets like cakes and desserts. He has a habit of admiring flowers, he said he likes the faint scent of them... *ramble* *ramble*

King Yama: ...=__=!!!